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        YOUR DAILY DOSE OF SCIENCE                                                                                              7



        Seventy per cent of      Fault. They are called   a magnitude of 7.5       thousand of them are in   An earthquake of this
        Turkey’s population lives in   segments because of   could kill an average   Istanbul. Within 5 years,   magnitude, can cause a
        earthquake zones. A part   their different geological,   of 14,000 people if it   we will ensure their   derailment, no matter how
        of the North Anatolian   geophysical and tectonic   occurs at night and    transformation.”         strong, your metro line or
        Fault Line, which cuts   properties. There are    12,500 people if it occurs                        construction is, because,
        the north of the country   two big segments that   during daylight hours.   EARTHQUAKE CAN BE       metro lines operated
        from east to west, passes   are expected to affect   In such an earthquake,   PREDICTED 8 SECONDS   on rail systems can be
        under the Marmara Sea.   Istanbul. One of them is the   8 thousand people are   IN ADVANCE          slowed down and stopped.
        The Mürefte Earthquake   Central Marmara segment.   expected to be seriously                        Infrastructure works for
        occurred on 9 August 1912   The other is the Islands   injured. In addition to this   Tayfun Kahraman, Head   these ara currently being
        at the western end of the   segment.”             number, approximately 40   of IBB Department      carried out.
        North Anatolian Fault Line                        thousand more people will   of Earthquake Risk
        and the Gölcük Earthquake   In 2004, US geophysicist   need to be hospitalised.  Management and Urban   “However, despite the
        occurred on 17 August    Tom Parsons conducted                             Improvement, says that   problems in infrastructure,
        1999 at the eastern end,   one of the most important   URBAN               they have designed an    we are developing other
        and the middle section of   studies on the timing of   TRANSFORMATION      early warning system     solutions. For example, we
        the line was stressed. It   earthquakes to date.   PROJECTS                together with Kandilli   are developing solutions
        is now expected that the   According to Parsons,                           Observatory. This system   to transer groundwater in
        centre of the fault line will   there is a 62 per cent   In 2012, an urban   will notify the earthquake   Istanbul to Gathering and
        also break and the “Great   probability that an   transformation project was   at most 8 seconds in   tempory shelter areas with
        Marmara Earthquake” will   earthquake larger than 7   launched across Turkey.   advance.            an earthquake-resistant
        occur. In short, the most   will occur in the Marmara   Urban transformation                        system.”
        important reason for     Sea by 2034.             projects have been       “Early warning is not a very
        expecting an earthquake in                        completed in hundreds    likely situation for Istanbul,”   Sources:
        Istanbul is the earthquakes   LOSS OS LIFE        of thousands of buildings,   Kahraman said, explaining
        that occurred in this region                      especially government    the reason for this as       ¸
        in the last 100 years.   The rate of loss of life   offices, schools and   follows:                     com/turkce/haberler-
                                 and injuries resulting   hospitals. Work continues.                            turkiye-53790449
        It is not certain in which   from an earthquake                            Because Istanbul and
        segment of this fault line   varies depending on the   Murat Kurum, Minister   the fault line where the     ¸
        the earthquake will occur,   magnitude, location and   of Environment and   earthquake is expected are   nacigorur
        but Prof. Dr. Eser Çaktı,   time of the earthquake, the   Urbanisation, said on 17   very close to each other.
        Head of the Department   ground and the durability   August 2020, “Since 2012,   After the S waves, the     ¸  https://depremzemin.
        of Earthquake Engineering   of the buildings on these   we have transformed   Pwaves will reach Istanbul
        at Boğaziçi University,   grounds. Therefore, a   1 million 410 thousand   within 7 - 8 seconds at      calismalarimiz/
        draws attention to two   clear loss of life estimate   houses in Turkey. We   most at the time of the   tamamlanmis-
        possibilities:           cannot be made for a 7.5   continue our projects to   eartquake, which is the   calismalar/istanbul-
                                 magnitude earthquake     transform risky buildings   main destructive waves.   ili-olasi-deprem-
        “There are some segments   scenario.              in Istanbul. There are   In this case, there is such   kayip-tahminlerinin-
        in the Marmara Sea.                               1.5 million houses in    a reality. You connat take   guncellenmesi-projesi/
        These are tiny little pieces   According to the report,   Turkey that need urgent   very clear measures.
        of the North Anatolian   an earthquake with       transformation. 300
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