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        12                                                                              HEALTH AND LABORATORY MAGAZINE




        “It shows the infinite

        possibilities of technology”

        New AI-powered           Sema 2.0, which can be
        cabin attendant will     accessed through the
        “reduce travel stress”   airlines’ digital platform
        for passengers (Qatar    QVerse, will offer
        Airways)                 passengers support on    with New Zealand-based   “The introduction of     of artificial intelligence”.
                                 flights and travel planning,   artificial intelligence   Sema 2.0 emphasises the
        Qatar Airways broke new   in addition to baggage   company UneeQ.          importance of creating   It was reported that the AI-
        ground by introducing    authorisation procedures   Accordingly, Sema 2.0,   personal connections   powered programme will
        the world’s first artificial   and check-in process.   born in Doha, the capital of   with our passengers. We   develop further over time
        intelligence cabin crew.                          Qatar, was recruited after   believe that these intimate   as it chats with passengers,
                                 Passengers will also be   undergoing special training   and friendly interactions   and will be able to give
        Qatar Airways presented   able to learn answers to   at Qatar Airways.     will increase customer   more accurate answers
        Sema 2.0, the artificial   frequently asked questions                      satisfaction.            by processing the newly
        intelligence cabin       on many topics from Sema   Babar Rahman, assistant                         learned information.
        employee, to the         2.0.                     director of the airlines’   Danny Tomsett, CEO of
        participants at the ITB                           marketing department,    UneeQ, said that Sema 2.0   Independent Turkish, Gulf
        Berlin International Tourism   A CV has also been   said the following about   embodies the company’s   News, Harper’s Bazaar
        Fair held on 5-7 March in   created for the       the artificial intelligence-  principles and that the   Arabia
        Berlin, Germany.         programme, which was     supported software:      programme is “a testament
                                 designed in partnership                           to the endless possibilities




            A synthetic            Scientists have         Scientists have been   tool for solving these   of Materials Science

            version of             successfully produced   working for 200 years   defects. Using atomic   and Engineering at the
                                   Dolomite mineral in the
                                                                                                          University of Michigan.
                                                                                  simulations, scientists
                                                           to synthetically produce
            the Dolomite           laboratory, which occurs   Dolomite, a calcium   revealed how strongly or   “Our theory shows that if
                                   naturally and develops
                                                           magnesium carbonate
                                                                                  loosely water adheres to
            mineral, which         over long periods of    sedimentary rock.      the surface of dolomite.  you periodically resolve
            scientists have        time in geological      The success in the     “If we understand how   defects during growth,
                                                                                                          you can rapidly grow
                                   environments. Dolomite
            been trying to         is called Turkey’s most   production of dolomite   dolomite grows in   defect-free materials,”
                                                                                  nature, we can learn new
                                                                                                          Sun said. This study was
                                                           in the laboratory
                                   valuable mineral.
            replicate for 200      Dolomite can also be    centred on eliminating   strategies to promote   published in the journal
                                                                                  crystal growth of modern
                                                           defects in the mineral
            years, has been        found in Italy’s Niagara   structure. Scientists have   technological materials,”   Science.
            produced.              Falls, Dover’s White Cliffs   discovered that water, as   said Wenhao Sun, Dow   Translated with DeepL.
                                                                                                          com (free version)
                                                           in nature, is an effective
                                                                                  Early Career Professor
                                   and Utah’s Hoodoos.
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