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        6                                                                               HEALTH AND LABORATORY MAGAZINE




        Nikola Tesla, known for his   times the speed of light -   and with such a clear   long-distance counting   to be done to convince
        work on alternating current,   but today we will talk about   suggestion of number   game with supposedly   sceptics,” they continued.
        was a great inventor,    the time when he thought   and order that they could   intelligent aliens.  “However, the bottom
        mechanical engineer and   he was capturing radio   not be attributed to any                         line is that when you
        physicist. His inventions   signals sent by intelligent   cause known to me at   Tesla, of course, did not   listen to kilometric signals
        have been shown to work   aliens.                 the time,” the author    receive signals from aliens.   from Jupiter with one of
        better than expected even                         continued, writing that he   At first, people suggested   Tesla’s Colorado Springs
        100 years after he noted   In 1899, Tesla caught   knew of possible sources   that the signal must have   receivers, you occasionally
        them. However, no one can   a strange signal on his   of electrical disturbances,   come from Earth, because   hear ‘Beep... Beep-Bip...
        be right 100 per cent of the   equipment.         such as those caused by   it came at a frequency that   Beep-Bip-Bip-Bip’!
        time, and Nikola Tesla was                        the Sun, but did not see   the ionosphere would not   Moreover, extraterrestrial
        also largely wrong most of   “Even now, from time to   them as potential causes.  allow it to pass through,   right circularly polarised
        the time.                time, I can vividly recall                        and Tesla was ridiculed for   kilometric signals
                                 the event and see my     “After a while the thought   this.                penetrate the Earth’s
        For example, despite     device as if it were really in   occurred to me that                       ionosphere during sunspot
        his pioneering work on   front of me,” Tesla wrote   the irregularities I had   But more than a century   minima. Tesla was in the
        alternating current, Tesla   about the incident. “My   observed might be due to   after Tesla found the signal,   right place, at the right
        did not believe in electrons.   first observations terrified   intelligent control. Although   a team recreated Tesla’s   time, doing the right
        Instead, he thought atoms   me, because there was   I could not decipher their   device and believed that   thing, and had the right
        were the smallest building   something mysterious, not   meaning, it was impossible   the source could at least   equipment to detect these
        blocks of the universe   to say supernatural, and I   for me to think that they   be of planetary origin.  unusual electrical signals of
        and argued that if they   was alone in my laboratory   were purely accidental. The                  planetary origin. It was the
        existed, they could only do   at night.”          feeling that I was the first   “We think it is entirely   scientific community that
        so in a perfect vacuum. He                        to hear one planet greeting   reasonable to identify   was unprepared.”
        believed in the 19th century   In short, he heard beeps.   another kept growing in   Tesla’s signals as the
        view that “ether” or “ether”   Specifically: Beep. Beep-  me.”             detection of dense       Source: https://www.
        conducts electric currents.  beep-beep-beep. Beep-                         kilometric (VLF) emissions
                                 beep-beep-beep-beep.     Tesla tried to do more to   originating from Jupiter,”
        There is also the time when                       investigate the signal and   the team wrote in 2003.
        he believed he recorded a   “The changes I noted were   talked about sending the
        cosmic ray travelling at 50   occurring periodically   answer “four”, playing a   “Significant work still needs
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