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        2                                                                               HEALTH AND LABORATORY MAGAZINE

                                  A REVOLUTIONARY

             No: 10 May 2024
                                  STEP IN SCIENCE:
               ISSN: 2148-953X

               CHAIRMAN           HUMAN EMBRYO
             Süleyman GÜLER
                EDITOR            PRODUCED IN
               Ecem KOÇER

             Ayşe Damla ALKAN
             ADVISORY BOARD
         Professor Dr. Kadir HALKMAN
            Professor Dr. Aziz EKŞİ
              Melek MALKOÇ       Scientists have
             Exp. Yelda ZENCİR
            Özlem Etiz SAĞDAŞ    developed human embryo
              Nevin KOÇAKER
                                 models from stem cells
             LEGAL ADVISORS
            Lawyer Ersan BARKIN  grown in the laboratory.
           Lawyer Murat TEZCAN

              İrfan BOZYİĞİT
              HEAD OFFICE
         Oğuzlar Mah. 1374 Sok. No:2/4
           Balgat - Ankara TURKEY
            Tel: +90 312 342 22 45  The models offer a unique   But that first month is still   Many birth defects also   morphological similarity to
            Fax: +90312 342 22 46  opportunity to study the   largely a black box. Our   occur during this period,   the human embryo at day
                                 critical first week after a   stem cell-derived human   but they are discovered   14,” Hanna added.
                                 natural embryo attaches   embryo model offers an   much later.”
                                 to the uterine wall.     ethical and accessible way                        On the other hand,
                                                          of looking into that box.  Our models can be used to   Dr. Peter Rugg-Gunn,
                                 Fertility, early pregnancy                        uncover the biochemical   who studies embryo
                                 termination and a        In the new study, published   and mechanical signals   development at the
                                 significant proportion   in the peer-reviewed     that ensure correct      Babraham Institute, said
                                 of developmental birth   scientific journal Nature,   development at this
                                 defects occur at the     stem cells from humans   early stage, and how     the study was “impressive”
       beginning of pregnancy,   were transformed into   this development can go   and “important” but noted
                                                                                 that not all features of
                                 soon after the fertilized   complex structures that   wrong.
                                 egg implants in the uterine   mimic human embryonic                        early human embryos are
                                 wall.                    development.             On the other hand, lab-  perfectly replicated.
                                                                                   grown creatures are illegal
              DATE OF ISSUE      Studying the early stages   The models incorporated   in many countries. So the   For example, the
             May  2024 - Ankara  of embryo formation could   all known components   work also raises serious   trophoblast, the precursor
                                 therefore be essential to   of early human embryos,   ethical and legal issues.  to the placenta, was
           NOTE TO THE READER    avoid these problems.    including the epiblast,                           present but not properly
          Published in the Labmedya   But ethical and technical   hypoblast, extraembryonic   Teams that want to   organized.
            Newspaper featured   challenges prevented     mesoderm, trophoblast
            in articles and articles                                               develop embryos in the lab
           Responsibility of opinions   the study of these critical   and yolk sac.  can usually only grow these   “This embryo model cannot
          Broadcast LabMedya not to   stages of human embryo                       constructs for 14 days. The   develop if transferred to
          its body and / or Prosigma   development.       “Here, we used pure human   law does not allow them to   the uterus because it has
           Company, belongs to the                        embryonic stem cells that   grow them any longer.  skipped the stage needed
          authors. Authors may have   To overcome this, scientists   have not been genetically              to attach to the inside of
         consultancy or other business   have begun to create   modified,” Hanna and his   There is a race among
          relationships with companies   artificial embryos from   colleagues wrote in their   scientists to create such   the uterus,” Rugg-Gunn
           involved in their work. Ads   stem cells in the laboratory.  research paper:  embryo models.     said.
          also; is the responsibility of
           advertisers. The product   Jacob Hanna, a molecular   “We began to test our                      Source: Independent
          information published on the                                             In previous months, two   Turkish, Science Alert,
          product introduction pages   geneticist at the Weizmann   capacity to create natural   separate research groups   Guardian
          are the presentations of the   Institute of Science in Israel,   embryo-like structures   had developed embryos
          relevant companies and the   said: “Negative results   that could mimic the   from stem cells. However,
          manufacturer Responsibility.  appear in the first month. In   different stages of human   not all components of the
                                 the remaining 8 months of   development in the womb.  embryo were created in
          In addition to the Labmedya  pregnancy, there is mostly                  those studies.
                                 growth,” said Jacob Hanna,   “Many pregnancy failures
              WHAT IS LABMEDYA ?  a molecular geneticist at   occur in the first few weeks,   “This is the first embryo
  the Weinstein Institute of   often before a woman even   model with structural
                                 Science in Israel:       knows she is pregnant.   compartments and
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