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        10                                                                              HEALTH AND LABORATORY MAGAZINE



        Urfa cuisine, which is                                                     meatballs and kebab      the table. During Rama-
        among our rich cultural                                                    varieties. Meat is also   dan, when iftar meals are
        heritage from the past to                                                  used in vegetable dishes.   prepared, fasting women
        the present, is counted                                                    Especially every part of the   let their children taste the
        among the top five cuisines                                                slaughtered animal is uti-  flavours of the food. In this
        of the world. Urfa cuisine,                                                lised. For example, when a   way, it is ensured that girls
        one of the cornerstones of                                                 kid or lamb is slaughtered,   develop their taste buds
        our culture, has an impor-                                                 roasting is made from its   and get used to the kitchen
        tant place in our country.     ¸  TİRİT               ¸  JEWISH MEATBALLS  meat and served to guests;   at an early age.
        The historical and cultural                                                “Kelle-Paça” is made from
        accumulation is one of the                                                 its head and feet; “Kırk Kat”   In Şanlıurfa cuisine, which
        most important factors                                                     or “Stuffed Belly” from its   is one of the first to come
        that make the cuisine of                                                   belly; “Mumbar” from its   to mind when it comes to
        Şanlıurfa region impor-                                                    intestines, “Lıklıkı” from its   kebab, oil is always added
        tant. Şanlıurfa, which is a                                                internal fat, “Liver Kebab”   to the dishes by eye. At
        candidate to be a UNESCO                                                   from its liver, “Stuffed   the same time, ingredients
        gastronomy city with the                                                   Spleen” from its spleen,   such as salt, sugar, spices
        theme “The oldest cuisine                                                  “Tuluk”, “Hide”, “Fur” from   and water are hand-ad-
        in the world”, uses this     ¸  ÇİĞKÖFTE              ¸  BORANİ            its skin.                justed and unmeasured.
        slogan because it is the                                                                            Since this is a situation that
        land where wheat was first                                                 Traditionalism is given   requires expertise, almost
        planted and grown.                                Clarified butter, bitter isot,   importance in the region   all the dishes of Urfa cuisine
                                                          bulgur, and currant juice   and women usually cook   are delicious.
        Urfa cuisine includes the                         are among the indispen-  the meals. The kitchen is
        flavours of Christian, Jew-                       sables of Urfa cuisine.   also characterised as an   Urfa cuisine, whose dishes
        ish, Armenian, Assyrian and                       Spices, flour and rice are   area belonging to wom-  are as glorious as the
        Arab cuisines as well as                          also frequently used. There   en. If a kebab is made at   name of the city, also has
        Muslims. “Tirit”, “Çiğköfte”,                     are dozens of varieties   home or raw meatballs are   many stories. For example,
        “Keşkek”, “Jewish Meat-      ¸  KEŞKEK            of vegetable dishes from   kneaded, this is done by a   the legendary stories of
        balls”, “Borani” are the best                     this region. However, it   man. From an early age,   Balıklı Lake, Mount Nemrut
        examples. The culinary   as the history of the city.   is generally famous for   girls help their mothers,   and çiğköften are integrat-
        culture of Şanlıurfa is as old                    its meat-based dishes,   serve and learn how to set   ed with Urfa. Especially the
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