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        YOUR DAILY DOSE OF SCIENCE                                                                                              3




        Turkey is a country that   grow in different regions of                    fatty acids and          Anatolia, have been used
        attracts attention with   Turkey, play an important                        antioxidants that support   for thousands of years for
        its unique natural riches.   role in traditional Turkish                   heart health. In addition,   people’s health and well-
        Among these riches are   medicine and alternative                          the Aegean climate and   being purposes. In addition
        medicinal plants and     medicine practices. For                           soil structure increase the   to medicinal plants,
        natural products that    example, plants such as                           nutritional value of plants   Turkey’s natural products
        are important for health.   thyme and sage relax the                       and make them beneficial   are also an important
        For thousands of years,   digestive system, while                          for health.              source for health.
        people have been using   plants such as nettle and                                                  Especially products such as
        these medicinal plants and   yarrow strengthen the                         Nutritious Treasures of the   olive oil, pomegranate juice
        natural products, which   immune system. Anatolia’s                        Mediterranean:
        grow thanks to Turkey’s   medicinal plants have
        geographical diversity and   inspired natural treatment                    The Mediterranean region
        climatic characteristics,   methods as well as modern   Aegean’s Health Depot:  is an important part of
        for health and well-being.   medicine.                                     a healthy and balanced
        Here is an exploration of                         The Aegean region is     diet. Plants grown in this
        Turkey’s natural riches that   Natural elixir of the Black   known for its abundant   region, such as olives,
        are important for health:  Sea:                   sunlight and fertile soil.   pomegranates, thyme
                                                          Plants grown in this region   and rosemary, form the
        The Medicinal Plants of   The Black Sea region is                          basis of the Mediterranean
        Anatolia:                famous for its lush forests                       diet. Mediterranean herbs
                                 and abundant rainfall.                            are rich in antioxidants,
        Anatolian lands are      Medicinal plants grown in                         vitamins and minerals.
        a geography where        this region have positive                         In addition, the oils of
        medicinal plants have been   effects especially on skin                    these plants contain     and natural honey form
        growing for thousands of   health and respiratory                          important components     the basis of a nutritious
        years. These plants, which   tract. Plants such as                         that protect heart health   and healthy diet. Turkey’s
                                 linden, chamomile and                             and have protective      natural riches represent
                                 rosehip, known as the                             effects against cancer.   a valuable heritage that
                                 natural elixir of the Black                       The nutritious treasures   contributes to human
                                 Sea, are natural products                         of the Mediterranean are   health, and the protection
                                 that people have used for                         an indispensable part of a   and utilisation of these
                                 centuries to find solutions                       healthy lifestyle.       riches is an important
                                 to health problems. At the   such as olives, grapes,                       responsibility for future
                                 same time, thanks to the   thyme and sage contain   Turkey’s natural riches   generations.
                                 abundant rainfall climate of   important components for   are full of medicinal plants
                                 the Black Sea, the natural   health. Especially olive oil   and natural products that
                                 and pure nature of the   is considered as the health   are important for health.
                                 plants grown in the region   store of the Aegean. Olive   These plants, which grow
                                 is also remarkable.      oil is rich in unsaturated   in various regions of
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