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        8                                                                                 HEALTH AND LABORATORY MAGAZINE



         OF THE FUTURE

        Recently, quantum        they can work much faster   USE OF QUANTUM        groundbreaking results.   INTELLIGENCE AND
        computers have started   and more effectively to   COMPUTING IN THE        In addition, the use of   MACHINE LEARNING
        to blow a wind of change   solve specific problems.   FINANCE AND TRADE    quantum computers
        that has affected the    In particular, quantum   SECTOR                   in drug discovery and    Quantum computers also
        world. This technology   computers offer significant                       personal medicine        have the potential for
        creates great excitement   advantages in areas such   In the financial sector,   applications is of great   great impact in the field of
        with its potential to    as complex optimisation   quantum computers can   importance.              artificial intelligence and
        process at speeds and    problems, molecular      be of great benefit in                            machine learning. Quantum
        capacities that traditional   modelling and big data   areas such as analysing   APPLICATIONS OF    computers can play an
        computers cannot reach.   analysis.               complex financial models   QUANTUM COMPUTING      important role in areas
        In 2023, important steps                          and optimising risk      IN LOGISTICS AND         such as deep learning
        may have been taken for   POTENTIAL AND           management processes.    TRANSPORT                and the development
        the commercial use of    ADVANTAGES OF            In addition, optimising                           of complex algorithms,
        quantum computers. This   QUANTUM COMPUTING       trading strategies, market   Quantum computers    strengthening artificial
        could be a revolutionary                          forecasting and trade    also have the potential   intelligence applications
        development in the field of   Quantum computers can   analytics applications can   for a major impact in the   and analysing big data.
        information processing and   offer various opportunities   also be improved with the   logistics and transport
        could have groundbreaking   and advantages in many   use of quantum computers.  sector. In areas such   As a result, 2023 could
        results in industrial    sectors. In particular, it                        as route optimisation,   be an exciting milestone
        applications.            is possible to utilise the   The Role of Quantum   inventory management    for the commercialisation
                                 potential of quantum     Computing in Healthcare   and supply chain        of quantum computing.
        FUNDAMENTALS OF          computers in areas such as   and Pharmaceuticals  optimisation, quantum    This technology can lead
        QUANTUM COMPUTER         finance, medicine, logistics                      computers can increase   industrial and economic
        TECHNOLOGY               and artificial intelligence.   Quantum computers are   efficiency and reduce   transformations by offering
                                 Quantum computers can    also revolutionising the   costs. This can contribute   various opportunities
        Quantum computers        be of great benefit in areas   health sector. In areas   to logistics processes   and advantages in many
        operate using the        such as analysing complex   such as the analysis of   becoming more effective   sectors. However, some
        fundamental properties   financial models, analysing   molecular structures,   and efficient.       technical, security and
        of quantum mechanics,    molecular structures and   disease modelling and                           ethical issues related to
        rather than the binary   solving logistics problems.  treatment planning,   EFFECTS OF QUANTUM      the commercial use of
        system used by classical                          quantum computers        COMPUTING                quantum computers need
        computers. In this way,                           can help achieve         IN ARTIFICIAL            to be considered.
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