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Researchers note that neurotransmitters changes. by what is called cognitive colour vision, no history of early childhood) and better
learning a second language reserve. neurological or psychiatric social cognitive perfor-
at an early age can lead to A new study shows that illness, and at least three mance in both young and
better brain health in the fu- learning an additional This can be achieved years of formal education. old people were associated
ture and may even increase language in youth may be through cognitive training, with greater grey matter
resistance to cognitive the key to improving brain which maximises brain per- In addition, older partici- volume, greater cortical
impairment. health in old age. formance by using existing pants were screened for thickness and greater
neural connections or creat- abnormal cognitive decline surface area in these brain
Bilingualism is the ability to “Learning a second lan- ing new neural connections. using the Singapore version regions.
speak two languages fluent- guage causes structural and This type of training also in- of the Montreal Cognitive
ly. And apparently, it also functional changes in the cludes learning an additional Assessment. In summary, the researchers
has many health benefits. brain that lead to age-re- language. explained that the earlier
lated cognitive decline, Each volunteer underwent a a person starts learning a
As we age, our body chang- affecting speech, process- HOW DOES LEARNING behavioural testing session second language, the more
es completely. The skin be- ing speed, memory and A SECOND LANGUAGE in which they had to com- positive structural changes
comes thinner, muscles lose planning abilities,” says Yow AFFECT BRAIN HEALTH? plete four neuropsychologi- occur in their brain and the
their mass and strength, the Wei Quin, lead author of the cal tasks measuring general more cognitive reserves are
elasticity of the lens of the study. The researchers selected 46 cognitive abilities, followed built up to protect cognitive
eye is lost, etc. But many young adults and 50 older by an MRI scan. functions from the effects of
changes also occur in the According to the authors adults for their study based ageing.
human brain: the number of the research paper, the on the following criteria they Analysing all the data
of neurons decreases, their human brain can cope with were all right-handed, had obtained, the scientists Kaynak: https://www.nature.
connections with each other age-related changes on normal or corrected-to-nor- found that early bilingualism com/articles/s41598-023-
weaken and the level of its own. This is facilitated mal visual acuity, healthy (learning two languages in 48710-4#Sec2
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