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        14                                                                              HEALTH AND LABORATORY MAGAZINE



        Turkey is an important   worldwide for its white   hotels in regions such as   and tranquility with its rich   its proximity to Istanbul.
        centre of thermal and spa   travertine terraces and   Ürgüp, Göreme and Nevşe-  thermal resources and var-  Thermal facilities offer
        tourism with its unique   thermal waters. Located   hir offer visitors a unique   ious spas. Gazlıgöl, Ömer-  modern accommodation
        natural resources. For   next to the ancient city of   experience. In thermal   Gecek, Termal, and Sandıklı   facilities, while at the same
        thousands of years, people   Hierapolis, Pamukkale of-  facilities surrounded by   spas in the city offer treat-  time offering a natural
        have been travelling to   fers visitors a historical and   the natural beauties of   ment and rehabilitation for   environment surrounded
        Turkey’s thermal destina-  natural beauty. The flow of   Cappadocia, you can take   different health problems.   by greenery. In addition
        tions to benefit from the   hot thermal waters offers   relaxing baths, benefit from   While Afyon’s thermal   to thermal resorts, the
        health and tranquility of   visitors the opportunity for   massage services and get   facilities are equipped with   Thermal National Park
        these healing waters. The   health and relaxation, while   away from stress. The heal-  modern facilities, they also   in Yalova offers visitors
        thermal and spa resorts in   at the same time allowing   ing waters combined with   offer views surrounded by   the opportunity to enjoy
        the country are equipped   them to have a unique   the unique atmosphere of   natural beauty.       outdoor activities and
        with modern facilities, while   experience by walking on   Cappadocia offer visitors                wildlife.
        at the same time offering a   white travertines.  an unforgettable holiday   YALOVA’S NATURAL
        peaceful escape in nature.                        experience.              PARADISE                 Turkey is a globally
                                 MYSTERIOUS                                                                 recognised destination for
        PAMUKKALE: THE           THERMAL WATERS OF        HEALING WATERS AND                                thermal and spa tourism.
        SPLENDOUR OF WHITE       CAPPADOCIA               THERMAL SPRINGS OF                                Surrounded by natural
        PARADISE                                          AFYON                                             beauty, thermal resorts
                                                                                                            offer a unique experience
                                                                                                            to visitors seeking health
                                                                                                            and tranquillity. From
                                                                                                            Pamukkale to Cappadocia,
                                                                                                            Afyon to Yalova, thermal
                                                                                                            and hot spring resorts
                                                                                                            in various regions of
                                                                                                            Turkey are places where
                                                                                                            people have been seeking
                                                                                                            health and well-being
                                                                                                            for thousands of years.
                                                                                                            These unique destinations
                                                                                                            reinforce Turkey’s leading
                                                                                   Yalova, located in the   position in thermal and spa
                                                                                   Marmara region, is one   tourism.
                                                                                   of the important thermal
        One of the most famous   Cappadocia is famous     Afyonkarahisar is one of   centres of Turkey.
        thermal and spa centres   for its fairy chimneys and   the important centres of   Yalova’s healing waters
        in Turkey is Pamukkale.   underground cities, but it   thermal and spa tourism   and thermal springs
        Located in Denizli prov-  is also noted for its healing   in Turkey. The city appeals   attract the attention of
        ince, Pamukkale is known   thermal waters. Thermal   to visitors seeking health   visitors, especially due to
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