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Artificial intelligence (AI) INDUSTRIAL ARTIFICIAL ARTIFICIAL The year 2023 offers a
has been at the centre APPLICATIONS INTELLIGENCE IN INTELLIGENCE IN great opportunity for AI
of technological devel- OF ARTIFICIAL HEALTHCARE EDUCATION technologies to become
opments in recent years, INTELLIGENCE more widespread and
leading to radical changes Artificial intelligence is Artificial intelligence has a more deeply integrated
in many areas of our lives. Artificial intelligence also revolutionising the great potential for impact into human life. With the
The year 2023 may be an technologies offer many healthcare sector. With big in the field of education. effective and responsible
important turning point in opportunities in the indus- data analysis and machine With the use of AI to mon- use of these technologies,
terms of the further spread trial and commercial field. learning methods, early itor student performance, we can say that they have
of artificial intelligence Smarter and more flexible diagnosis of diseases and identify student needs the potential to overcome
technologies and their ef- production systems can be optimisation of treatment and customise teaching many challenges faced
fective use in almost every established with the use plans may be possible. materials, a more efficient by humanity. In the smart
sector. This year, a great of artificial intelligence for AI-supported medical im- and effective approach to world of the future, artificial
momentum is expected automation systems, auto- aging systems can speed education can be adopted. intelligence can guide
to be gained in the field of mating business processes up the diagnostic process Adaptive learning sys- human life in a better, more
artificial intelligence and and increasing productivity. and increase accuracy by tems can offer a custom- sustainable and fairer way.
a hopeful vision for the This can increase the com- extracting meaningful in- ised learning experience
future is expected to be put petitiveness of businesses formation from radiological in accordance with the
forward. People are full of and support economic images. In addition, artifi- individual learning needs
excitement and curiosity growth. AI algorithms used cial intelligence can also be of students. In addition,
about the changes that in production lines can be used in the management AI-powered robots can
artificial intelligence tech- continuously optimised and planning of healthcare support teachers in class-
nologies will bring. to increase efficiency and services, helping hospitals room management and
quality, which can reduce to use their resources more student interaction.
costs. effectively.