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        “Space companies have established in many countries around the
        world, including Turkey, and these companies earn money from space...“

        Dr. Umut Yıldız, who has   Agency did a lot of work.   astronaut who will go into   try to contribute as much   “SPACE SCIENCE IS
        been interested in space   Besides, In addition, there   space from Turkey will stay   as I can. However, these   ONE OF THE MOST
        since his childhood,     are now private space    there for 10 days, realize   are not the works of one   PROMISING SECTORS”
        graduated from Ankara    companies in Turkey. Now,   the projects presented by   person. We are already
        University, Department   not only states but also   Turkish researchers, and   in contact with the Space   Explaining that he
        of Astronomy and Space   companies with money are   then share the results of   Agency, from now on, I   answered the messages
        Sciences, and completed   involved in this business.   these experiments with   hope that many more   of thousands of students
        his master’s degree at the   For example, companies   the world, according to the   young people will cross   who reached him through
        University of Groningen   such as DeltaV, Plan-S,   Turkish Space Agency.  paths with space.”       social media, Yıldız, “I
        in the Netherlands       and Hello Space in Turkey                                                  couldn’t reach anyone at
        and his doctorate at     are growing over time and   Emphasizing that he   “I RECOMMEND FAMILIES    their age, the technological
        Leiden University in     expanding the ecosystem   wanted to experience the   TO ENCOURAGE THEIR    opportunities today did
        the Netherlands. After   as well.”                pleasure of seeing Turkey   CHILDREN WHO ARE      not exist at that time. I was
        going to America,                                 succeed rather than being   INTERESTED IN SPACE”  alone, I know very well what
        Yıldız started to work   “HAVING YOUR OWN         the first scientist from                          the pain of not being able
        at NASA and has been     ASTRONAUT IS A           Turkey to go into space.   Yıldız stated that space   to ask anyone a question
        working in NASA’s Deep   GREAT PRESTIGE”          Yıldız, “We have had a   sciences and space       about space science
        Space Communications                              dream of space since our   technologies will be much   means. I want to help
        department for 9 years.  Stating that many        childhood, it must be a   more popular in the future   today’s students as much
                                 countries are sending their   wonderful thing to look   and that space sciences   as I can. I can say that
        In his speech, Yıldız says,   own astronauts to space   at the world from above   will be an important   space is one of the most
        “There is still a lot to be   at the moment. Yıldız says,   and see all the countries in   alternative for young   promising sectors in these
        done on this subject. There   “Unfortunately, we still have   one frame. I’m not trying   people who choose a   days, because access to
        are things that have been   not been able to realize   to be the first, but I want   university these days.  space is much cheaper.
        done. For example, there   this dream as Turkey. It is a   to do it before I die, even              Especially right now, it’s
        are astrophysics groups   great prestige for a country   if it’s the hundredth or the   Stating that space   a preference period,
        under both astronomy     to have its own astronaut.   thousandth.” says.   companies have been      families and young people
        departments and physics   There are already few                            established in many      should especially take this
        departments in a few     countries in the world   “I CONTRIBUTE TO         countries around the     into account.” made its
        universities in Turkey. This   that can send their own   TURKISH STUDENTS   world, including Turkey,   assessment.
        is the science side of the   astronauts to space. One   EVEN FROM A DISTANCE”  and that these companies
        business. However, some   of the questions is, what will                   make money from space.   Stating that nationality
        people generally want to   the astronaut do thereafter   “I don’t need to come   Yıldız said, “As we earn   is of no importance at
        see something physical.   he goes to space? The   to Turkey to share my    income from space, more   NASA and that people
        For instance, people want   aim of the Turkish Space   experience. I always give   companies will be involved   are evaluated only by the
        the rocket to be launched   Agency is to carry out the   lectures to students in   in this business in the   work they do, Yıldız says.
        from Turkey, and they    experiments suggested    Turkey on topics such    future, this will increase job   “US assigns people from
        want space vehicles from   by the researchers at   as space science, space   opportunities in the sector   many countries. After
        Turkey to go to space.   Turkish universities through   technologies, astronomy,   and more people will be   doing the job well, no one’s
        Space technologies are   our own astronaut on     travel to other planets, the   needed. I recommend   nationality is looked at.”
        actually just developing   the International Space   discovery of other galaxies,   parents to encourage
        in Turkey, it first started   Station.”           and the formation of the   their children who are
        with the defense industry.                        universe. Even from afar, I   interested in space during
        Afterward, TÜBİTAK-Space   Yıldız said that the first   give lectures to students. I   the preference period.”
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