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        12                                                                                HEALTH AND LABORATORY MAGAZINE

        Bodrum’s intriguing ruins,   are well preserved and   These were the homes of
        stunning beaches and cliff-  contained within a large   the richest residents of
        top resorts attract people   archaeological site, making   Ephesus in approximately
        from all over the world.  it one of Turkey’s most   the first century, and they
                                 popular tourist attractions.  were built in a modern
        On Bodrum’s eastern side,                         Roman style.
        tourists will find a beautiful   Ephesus was declared a
        beach overlooking brilliant   Roman settlement in 133   Remarkably, some of the
        blue water. Near the beach   BC, although it did not   homes had hot and cold
        are plenty of cafes, bars   reach its peak until some   baths, marble floors and
        and nightclubs. On the   200 years later. At one   even heating systems. On   volcanic eruptions and   architecture, historic sites,
        western side of town is the   point, when the city was   the walls, you can spot   erosion have all sculpted   dining, shopping, nightlife
        marina, shopping centers   the capital of Roman Asia   unusual artwork, mosaics   these odd formations   and exotic atmosphere
        and restaurants.         Minor, Ephesus housed    and even love poems      over the ages, with some   all make Istanbul one of
                                 more than 250,000        scrawled by hand.        of them rising as much as   the world’s top tourist
        No visit to Bodrum would   permanent residents.                            130 feet (40 meters) high.   destinations.
        be complete without      St.Paul lived in Ephesus,   No trip to Ephesus would   However, thousands of
        seeing the Castle of St.   fostering Christianity   be complete without    years ago, mankind added   The Old City is where most
        Peter, also known as     among many other         seeing the famed Library   remarkable touches to   of the city’s impressive
        Bodrum Castle. Built     religions. With the decline   of Celsus. Built in 123 AD,   the landscape by carving   historic sites are found,
        from 1402 by the Knights   of the harbor of Ephesus,   the library was once of   out houses, churches and   which include the Hagia
        Hospitaller it now operates   and the sacking of the   the largest libraries in the   underground cities from   Sophia, Blue Mosque and
        as a museum. Other sights   city by Germanic Goths in   ancient world, coming in   the soft rock.   Topkapi Palace. Another
        include the last remains   the third century, Ephesus   third after the libraries of                important district is
        of the Mausoleum, and    began its decline.       Alexandria and Pergamum.   Inhabited as early as   New City, known for its
        ancient amphitheater and                          The library has been     1800 BC, Hittites and    modern day attractions,
        the Myndos Gate, which   For roughly 1,500 years,   restored, making it easier   other residents chiseled   skyscrapers and shopping
        was once the scene of    Ephesus was all but      to see its two-story design,   out underground tunnel   malls. Beyoglu and Galata
        a bloody battle during a   forgotten. The remnants   its columns and its capitals.  complexes, seeking safety   are popular zones for
        siege by Alexander the   of this incredible classical                      from invading Persians   nightlife and entertainment,
        Great.                   city were hidden from    Be sure to admire the four   and Greeks. Much later   while the Bosphorus area is
                                 the world until the 1860s,   statues that represent the   in the 4th century AD,   home to beautiful palaces,
        Besides sightseeing,     when an international    four virtues. While these   Christians, fleeing out of   waterfront mansions and
        other things to see and   team of archeologists   are now replica statues,   religious persecution from   urban parks.
        do in Bodrum include the   began unearthing the ruins.   and not the originals,   Rome, sought refuge in
        award-winning Bodrum     Today, less than 20 percent   you can still see Sophia,   Cappadocia’s tunnels and   There is no shortage of
        Museum of Underwater     of Ephesus has been      representing wisdom,     caves. Today, the region’s   exciting things to see and
        Archaeology which is     excavated, but it is still one   Episteme, representing   natural wonders and   do in Istanbul. A shopping
        housed inside Bodrum     of the largest accessible   knowledge, Ennoia,    historic sites all make it a   affair not to be missed is
        Castle, historic windmills,   archeological sites in the   representing thought,   popular destination.  the Grand Bazaar, one
        Turkish saunas and mud   world.                   and Arete, representing                           of the world’s oldest and
        baths, windsurfing, scuba                         goodness.                While much of Cappadocia   largest covered markets.
        diving and boat tours that   Without question, the                         is located in the province   Visiting a Turkish bath
        feature nightclubs and   most famous structure    Just two miles from      of Nevsehir, some of the   is also a great way to
        glass-bottomed dance     in Ephesus is the Temple   Ephesus is the town of   main towns in the region   experience the local
        floors.                  of Artemis. The temple   Selçuk, where many visitors   are Ürgüp, Göreme,   culture. The nightlife scene
                                 was once the largest on   choose to spend time    Avanos, Ortahisar and    in Istanbul abounds in
        3. EPHESUS               the planet, showcasing   before or after exploring   Mustafapasa. Many of   numerous restaurants,
                                 just how important the   the ruins of Ephesus. In the   these towns offer hotels,   pubs and nightclubs to
        Europe’s most complete   city of Ephesus was.     center of Selçuk, you might   restaurants, nightlife   suit every budget and
        classical metropolis,    Unfortunately, the temple   want to stop and admire   options and attractions   preference.
        Ephesus is an ancient site   itself was largely destroyed   the Roman aqueduct that   such as museums, rock
        located in Aegean Turkey.   around the fifth century,   once supplied water to   castles, fairy chimneys,
        By the 1st century BC,   but it is still possible to tour   the city, or you could learn   underground tunnels, old
        Ephesus was one of the   the ruins.               a little more about the   Greek villages, monasteries
        largest cities in all of the                      archeology of the region   and handicraft markets.
        Roman Empire, boasting   Some of the most recently   by exploring the collections   Some of the caves in the
        one of the Seven Wonders   excavated attractions in   at the Museum of Ephesus.   region are actually hotels
        of the Ancient World,    Ephesus, and certainly   You can also browse at the   and cater to tourists.
        the Temple of Artemis.   some of the most popular,   market or pick up double
        The ruins of Ephesus     are the Terraced Houses.   knot carpets, the most   1. ISTANBUL
                                                          popular souvenir from the
                                                          area.                    Once serving as the
                                                                                   capital of the Ottoman
                                                          2. CAPPADOCIA            and Byzantine Empires,
                                                                                   Istanbul today is the
                                                          Situated in Central      largest city in Turkey and
                                                          Anatolia of Turkey,      one of the largest in the
                                                          Cappadocia is best known   world. Istanbul stretches
                                                          for its fairytale landscape   across both sides of the
                                                          of unusual formations    Bosphorus, a narrow strait
                                                          resembling chimneys,     that connects Asia and
                                                          cones, mushrooms         Europe, making it the only
                                                          and pinnacles. Natural   city in the world spanning
                                                          processes such as ancient   two continents. Impressive
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