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        6                                                                                 HEALTH AND LABORATORY MAGAZINE


                                       Thousands of Unknown Bacterial Species
                                       Discovered in Hawaiian Lava Caves

        Higher bacterial diversity   important ecological ‘jobs,’   present in the samples.   not the most abundant   do not grow in isolation.
        than scientists expected   or roles,” said first author   Co-occurring bacterial   bacteria, and the individual   Instead, they grow, live,
        has been uncovered in    Dr. Rebecca D Prescott   networks also provided   communities from the     and interact with many
        the lava caves, lava tubes,   of NASA Johnson Space   hints regarding possible   different sites showed   other microorganisms in
        and geothermal vents on   Center and University of   interactions between these   large variations in the   a sea of chemical signals
        the big island of Hawaii.   Hawaii at Manoa, in the   microorganisms.      diversity and complexity of   from those other microbes.
        The findings have been   US. “The Chloroflexi are an                       the microbial interactions.   This then can alter their
        reported in a new study   extremely diverse group   The harshest conditions—  Counterintuitively, the   gene expression, affecting
        published today (July    of bacteria, with lots of   the geothermal sites—were   most abundant groups,   what their jobs are in the
        21, 2022) in the journal   different roles found in lots   expected to have lower   Oxyphotobacteria and   community.”
        Frontiers in Microbiology.  of different environments,   diversity than the more   Actinobacteria, were
                                 but they are not well    established and habitable   not often ‘hub’ species,   Beyond the insights about
        This research investigates   studied and so we don’t   lava tubes. While the   suggesting that their roles   past, or even future, life
        the variety and interactions   know what they do in   diversity was indeed found   may be less important to   on Mars, bacteria from
        within these microbial   these communities. Some   to be lower, the team of   the overall structure of the   volcanic environments
        ecosystems, which        scientists call such groups   researchers was surprised   community.       can also be useful in
        illustrate how life may   ‘microbial dark matter’ —   to discover that the                          understanding how
        have existed on Mars     the unseen or un-studied   interactions within these   MORE QUESTIONS      microbes turn volcanic
        and the early Earth in   microorganisms in nature.”  communities were more   THAN ANSWERS           rock (basalt) into soils, as
        the past. Surprisingly, the                       complex than in locations                         well as bioremediation,
        findings showed that a   UNSEEN VOLCANIC LIFE     with higher diversity.   Since the current study   biotechnology, and
        class of bacteria known as                                                 was based on the partial   sustainable resource
        Chloroflexi are often “hub”   Prescott and her    “This leads to the       sequencing of one gene,   management.
        species, meaning that they   colleagues gathered 70   question, do extreme   it cannot accurately
        are connected with many   samples from a variety   environments help       determine the species    Article: “Islands Within
        other species and typically   of locations, including   create more interactive   of microbes or their   Islands: Bacterial
        play crucial ecological   active geothermal vents   microbial communities,   ‘jobs’ in the community.   Phylogenetic Structure and
        roles in the community.   (fumaroles), as well as   with microorganisms more   Therefore, further research   Consortia in Hawaiian Lava
        Many Chloroflexi species   “younger” and “older” lava   dependent on each other?”   is needed to help reveal   Caves and Fumaroles”
        are little understood, and   tubes and caves, which   said Prescott. “And if so,   the individual species that   by Rebecca D. Prescott,
        further research will reveal   were under 400 years old   what is it about extreme   are present, as well as to   Tatyana Zamkovaya,
        previously undiscovered   and between 500 and 800   environments that helps to   better understand these   Stuart P. Donachie, Diana
        species, as well as insights   years old, respectively,   create this?”    bacteria’s roles in the   E. Northup, Joseph J.
        into the role these species   to get a sense of how the                    environment.             Medley, Natalia Monsalve,
        play in these extreme    bacterial communities    Since Chloroflexi, and                            Jimmy H. Saw, Alan W.
        environments.            might change over        another class called     “Overall, this study helps   Decho, Patrick S. G. Chain
                                 time. They were able to   Acidobacteria, were     to illustrate how important   and Penelope J. Boston,
        “This study points to the   determine the diversity   present at nearly all of   it is to study microbes in   21 July 2022, Frontiers in
        possibility that more    and abundance of the     the locations, they may   co-culture, rather than   Microbiology.
        ancient lineages of      bacterial classes in each   play essential roles in   growing them alone (as
        bacteria, like the phylum   sample by sequencing   these communities.      isolates),” said Prescott. “In   DOI: 10.3389/
        Chloroflexi, may have    the ribosomal RNA        However, these were      the natural world, microbes   fmicb.2022.934708
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