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        According to a recent    through a comprehensive   personality and behav-      nosed using objective   cially in light of the growing
        systematic review and    examination of all available   ioral changes. They will   measures.        burden of the disease.
        meta-analysis of 16 studies   population-based studies   eventually be totally reliant              Identifying modifiable risk
        comprising 76,373 individ-  in English. Our findings add   on others to take care of     ¸  The likelihood of hav-  factors is the first criti-
        uals, older adults with un-  to the growing evidence   them.                   ing a cognitive impair-  cal step for developing
        treated eyesight problems   that fading eyesight is a                          ment was 137% higher   effective interventions to
        may have a higher chance   risk factor for develop-  The researchers included   among people who    achieve this goal,” says
        of developing dementia.  ing dementia,” said lead   16 studies including 76,373   had a sight problem   Beibei Xu. “Our new results
                                 author, Associate Pro-   participants, with five      compared to those    highlight the importance of
        The study’s findings,    fessor Beibei Xu, from   cross-sectional studies      who did not.         regular eye examinations
        which were reported in   the Medical Informatics   and 11 longitudinal studies                      for older adults – enabling
        the peer-reviewed journal   Center, at Peking Univer-  published before April     ¸  People who had a   any potential problems
        Aging and Mental Health,   sity. “Although the reasons   2020. From these studies,   sight problem at   with their vision to be
        demonstrate the need for   behind this remain unclear,   the authors examined the   baseline had a 41%   spotted and treated early.
        more research to deter-  it suggests that diagnosing   relationship between visual   increased risk of   They also suggest that any
        mine how addressing older   and treating eye conditions   impairment and cognitive   developing cognitive   self-reported changes to
        persons’ vision issues, such   may be beneficial – both to   outcomes in older adults.   impairment and a   a person’s eyesight should
        as with glasses or cataract   improve a person’s quality   They found that:    44% increased risk of   not be ignored.”
        surgery, might prevent   of life and also to poten-                            dementia, compared
        cognitive issues and de-  tially slow down or stop     ¸  People with a sight   with those who did not.  The authors recommend
        mentia.                  memory loss.”                problem had an                                future research is now
                                                              increased risk of cog-  “Finding ways to prevent or   warranted to examine the
        “This study is among     People’s lives are severely   nitive impairment and   delay the onset of demen-  effectiveness of treating
        the first to evaluate the   affected by the condition.   dementia, regard-  tia could help reduce its   sight problems in older
        association between sight   As the disease develops,   less of whether their   devastating impact on the   people to prevent cognitive
        problems and cognitive   individuals will have more   visual impairment was   lives of affected individuals   impairment and dementia.
        outcomes in older adults   memory loss as well as     self-reported or diag-  and their families, espe-

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