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Steeped in history above the otherworldly seem to resemble an of the castle. At the natural phenomenon is
with a landscape that landscape of Cappadocia, immense castle of fluffy end of the 20th century, a breathtaking sight, but
encompasses beaches wandering in the midst of cotton. These limestone people started building also highly sensitive to
and soaring mountains, the Greco-Roman world in walls were formed by the hotels on top of the ruins. any disturbances. For
Turkey has acted as the Ephesus, or simply soaking calcium-rich water from As a result, this heavily this reason, visitors must
gateway between Europe up the sun in the luxury the springs. Eventually, damaged the city. The take of their shoes and
and Asia for thousands beach resorts along the the calcium carbonate in hotels were removed after walk among the terraces
of years. Being a place of Aegean Sea. Here’s a look the water slowly deposits the Hierapolis became a barefoot on a special path.
trade and of exchanging at the best places to visit in itself as a soft jelly and protected UNESCO World Why? Well, this method
cultures has made Turkey Turkey: eventually hardens into Heritage site in 1988. prevents erosion of the
a richly diverse country. limestone. calcium deposits that form
The point where East 10. PAMUKKALE The coolest of these facts the terraces.
meets West, the wealth The hot springs aren’t about Pamukkale might
of culture and breadth The word Pamukkale Pamukkale’s only be the underwater section Pamukkale has 17 hot
of influences has left its means “cotton castle” in attraction. Above the of Hierapolis. Some of the water springs. Interestingly,
mark and is revealed in the Turkish. The site gets its cascading pools, you will remains of the ancient the temperatures of these
country’s mouthwatering name from the numerous find the remains of an city became partially pools can range from 35
culinary landscape, as cascading white pools ancient city. The city of submerged after an °C (95 °F) to 100 °C (212
well as in the innumerable with bright turquoise water Hierapolis was a Greco- earthquake. These remains °F). I guess you can’t just
religious monuments and surfaces. From a distance, Roman and Byzantine can be found in a pool that jump in anywhere! Not to
archaeological sites. the white limestone walls town that stood on top was historically considered worry, there are several
sacred. This pool is now demarcated pools where
Istanbul, once the capital named the ‘Antique Pool’. visitors can safely take a
of the Byzantine and Unfortunately, the pool dip in the relaxing water. It’s
Ottoman Empires, features has become heavily probably not a bad idea,
prominently in most travel commercialised and you especially considering how
plans but there are many will need to pay a hefty the mineral-rich water also
more great destinations. entrance fee to take a dip. has several health benefits,
You could enjoy your time for instance the ability to
here staying in boutique The hot spring terraces lower blood pressure and
hotels inside caves and hold gallons of mineral- alleviate rheumatism.
floating in hot air balloons rich turquoise water. This