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        YOUR DAILY DOSE OF SCIENCE                                                                                             13


        Scientists have discovered   it helps orchestrate apop-  activates cell division. How-  with other important genes,   require the regeneration
        that a single chemical is   tosis, the process of cell   ever, too much of it causes   it might be possible to acti-  of hair follicles. Being able
        key to controlling when hair   death,” Wang said.  apoptosis.              vate follicle stem cells and   to more precisely control
        follicle cells divide, and when                                            stimulate hair growth.   levels of TGF-beta could
        they die. This breakthrough   As with many chemicals, it is   If researchers can deter-             also one-day cure baldness,
        could not only lead to effec-  the amount that makes the   mine more precisely the   Because many animals,   which bothers millions of
        tive treatment of baldness,   difference in the outcome. If   way TGF-beta activates   including humans, possess   people all over the world.
        but ultimately speed up   the cell produces a certain   cell division, and how the   skin covered with hair, per-
        wound healing because    quantity of TGF-beta, it   chemical communicates   fect wound healing would
        follicles are a source of stem
        In the human body, most                                                WE'D LIKE TO BE YOUR
        cells have a specific form
        and function determined                                                SOLUTION PARTNER FOR
        during embryonic develop-
        ment that does not change.                                             THE HEATING PROCESSES
        A blood cell, for example,                                             IN YOUR LABORATORY.
        cannot turn into a nerve
        cell, or vice versa. However,
        stem cells are like the blank                                          Protherm is with you to offer solutions
        tiles in a game of Scrabble;                                           for your special heat treatment
        they can turn into other                                               requirements and analyses.
        types of cells.
        Stem cells’ adaptability
        makes them valuable for
        repairing damaged tissue or

        “In science fiction when
        characters heal quickly
        from injuries, the idea is that
        stem cells allowed it. In real
        life, our new research gets
        us closer to understand-
        ing stem cell behavior, so                              >Atmosphere Controlled furnaces up to 2.000°C
        that we can control it and                                >Ovens up to 650°C
        promote wound healing,”                                     > High Temperature Furnaces up to 1.800°C
        said University of California,                               >High Temperature Tube Furnaces up to 1.800°C
                                                                       >Split Furnaces and CVD systems up to 1.500°C
        Riverside mathematical bi-                                       >Rotary Furnaces up to 1.600°C
        ologist and study co-author                                       >Vacuum Furnaces up to 1.500°C and 10-3 Torr
        Qixuan Wang.                                                        >And more…
        In response to wounds, the
        liver and stomach regener-
        ate themselves. However,
        Wang’s team of researchers
        studied hair follicles be-
        cause they’re the only organ
        in humans that regenerates
        automatically and periodi-
        cally, even without injury.
        The scientists discovered
        how TGF-beta, a type of
        protein, controls the pro-
        cess by which cells in hair
        follicles, including stem cells,
        divide and form new cells,
        or orchestrate their own              RTR Series           PLF Series         PVAC Series      ACF Series 2.000°C
        death — eventually leading         Rotary Furnaces     Chamber Furnaces     Vacuum Furnaces   Atmosphere Controlled
        to the death of the whole                                                                           Furnaces
        hair follicle.

        “TGF-beta has two oppo-
        site roles. It helps activate                          Ergazi Mah. 1695. Cad.   t: +90 312 257 13 31
        some hair follicle cells to                            1819. Sok. No:5       f: +90 312 257 13 35
                                                               Batıkent 06370 Ankara
        produce new life, and later,
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