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        YOUR DAILY DOSE OF SCIENCE                                                                                              11

        9. MARDIN                prospered as a capital city                       sports, fantastic dining and   sandy white beaches.
                                 under the rule of the Seljuk                      buzzing nightlife.       Located on Turkey’s
                                 Dynasty. Today, attractive                                                 Mediterranean Coast in
                                 buildings from that era                           Marmaris presents so     the Antalya Province on
                                 can still be admired such                         much to see and do that   a small peninsula, Side
                                 as the Alaeddin Mosque,                           visitors will be spoiled   offers fantastic sightseeing,
                                 which houses the tombs                            for choice. A walk along   nightlife and outdoor
                                 of several sultans. Another                       the cobblestone streets   adventure.
                                 popular example is the                            of the old quarter offers
                                 Ince Minare Medrese,                              attractive architecture   Side’s star attraction is an
                                 now a museum displaying                           and a visit to the 16th   excavated site of ancient
                                 artifacts from the Seljuk                         century Castle of Suleyman   Hellenistic and Roman
                                 and Ottoman eras.                                 the Magnificent. Various   ruins that include the
        Perched on a strategic                                                     boating tours take visitors   remnants of a colossal
        hilltop overlooking the   Although in ruins, the Seljuk   From swimming and sailing   exploring around the   amphitheater, an agora, a
        plains of Mesopotamia    Palace is also worth a visit.   to mountain climbing,   picturesque bays and   Byzantine basilica, public
        in southeastern Turkey.   A modern day architectural   sightseeing and family fun,   neighboring villages.  baths, marble columns
        Mardin is the one of the   attraction is the Seljuk   Antalya offers something                      and various temples.
        oldest settlements in the   Tower, one of the tallest   for everyone.      Horse safaris canter     The Roman baths are
        region, and is best known   skyscrapers in Turkey,                         through lush pine        now restored to house a
        for its cultural diversity   featuring a revolving   A walk around Kaleiçi,   forests, orange groves,   museum, which displays a
        and Old City of sandstone   restaurant at the top two   the Old Quarter, offers a   traditional villages and   number of Roman statues
        buildings that cascade   floors.                  step back into the city’s   around untouched bays   and artifacts. Overlooking
        down the hill.                                    ancient past with views of   and stunning waterfalls,   the beach, the Temple of
                                 In the 13th century, Konya   the old city walls, Roman   while jeep safaris present   Apollo is a spectacular
        Mardin’s Old City is easily   was the home of the   gates, maze-like streets   off-the-beaten-track   sight, especially at sunset.
        toured by walking. The   Persian theologian and Sufi   and historic structures that   adventures.
        maze of meandering       mystic, Rumi. His tomb, the   include the Clock Tower                      Featuring narrow streets
        streets leads visitors along   Mausoleum of Rumi, with   and beautiful, old churches,   Marmaris also features   and attractive gardens,
        terraced houses and      its neighboring Melvana   mosques and temples.    water parks for the whole   the charming town of Side
        popular sites like Deyrü’z-  Museum, is a must-see site   At the heart of the Old   family and Turkish baths   offers many restaurants
        Zafaran Monastery, one of   in Konya. Rumi’s followers   Quarter is the Cumhuriyet   for total pampering   ranging from delis and
        the oldest monasteries in   founded the Mevlevi Order,   Square, surrounded by   and relaxation. If that is   pizza shops to upscale
        the world, and the Sultan   which are also known as   shops, cafes, Turkish baths   not enough, there are a   dining in a variety of
        Isa Medresesi, a medieval   the Whirling Dervishes due   and street performers.  number of day trips from   cuisines. Just outside
        monument that once       to their famous religious                         Marmaris to outstanding   of town, the Manavgat
        served as an astronomical   ceremonies in which they   Antalya’s main beaches,   destinations like Dalyan,   River offers boat tours,
        observatory. Zinciriye   spin around and around on   Konyaalti and Lara,   Ephesus, Pamukkale and   white water rafting and
        Medresesi, a 14th century   the left foot while wearing   offer white sands, water   Cleopatra Island.  impressive waterfalls.
        Islamic school, features   white, billowing gowns.   sports, resorts, bars and
        beautiful courtyards and   These ceremonies, also   restaurants. Nearby the   The nightlife scene in   4. BODRUM
        art works.               known as Sama, can be    beaches are water parks,   Marmaris is one of Turkey’s
                                 observed weekly at the   amusement parks and      most exciting. There are
        The Great Mosque, with   Mevlana Cultural Centre.  a zoo. Several museums   hundreds of restaurants
        its soaring minaret, is hard                      exhibit artifacts and relics   featuring cuisines from
        to miss. Although closed   Konya also offers beautiful   from the area, including   all over the world from
        to the public, the citadel   green spaces and parks   the award-winning Antalya   fast food to fine dining.
        presents fantastic photo   such as Alaeddin Hill, in   Museum.             Bars and clubs are found
        opportunities. Throughout   the city center, and the                       throughout the city and
        the Old City is a myriad   Japanese Park with its   6. MARMARIS            along the beaches. Not to
        of shops selling the likes   lovely pagodas, waterfalls                    be missed are the Turkish
        of pottery, silverware,   and ponds.                                       Night Show venues, which
        leather and traditional                                                    feature traditional Turkish
        headdresses.             Because Konya is one of                           food, mezes and belly
                                 Turkey’s more conservative                        dancing.
        8. KONYA                 cities, bars and nightclubs                                                Located in the Mugla
                                 are not as plentiful.                             5. SIDE                  Povince in the southern
        One of the oldest cities in   However, some hotels and                                              Aegean region of Turkey,
        the world and best known   cafes do offer alcoholic                        A major port in ancient   Bodrum is the site of
        for its remarkable Seljuk   drinks.                                        Pamphylia and occupied   the ancient fortified city,
        architecture and Whirling                                                  by Alexander the Great in   Halicarnassus, which was
        Dervishes, Konya is a large   7. ANTALYA                                   4th century BC, Side today   once home to marble
        city in Turkey’s Central                          One of Turkey’s most     is a picturesque town of   buildings, temples, statutes,
        Anatolia Region. In the 12th   Nestled along the beautiful   popular seaside resorts,   classic ruins and modern   paved streets and the
        and 13th centuries, Konya   Turkish Riviera on the   Marmaris is a picture-  day resorts overlooking   Mausoleum, one of the
                                 Mediterranean coastline,   perfect setting of pine-clad                    Seven Wonders of the
                                 Antalya is a large,      mountains, sandy white                            Ancient World.
                                 vibrant city welcoming   beaches, turquoise waters
                                 tourists with numerous   and historic architecture.                        After falling into ruins,
                                 resorts, hotels, bars and   Located along the Turkish                      the city remained a quiet
                                 restaurants. Spectacular   Riviera in southwest Turkey,                    fishing village until the
                                 scenery frames the city   this stunning cruise port                        20th century when Turkish
                                 with gorgeous beaches    is a tourist paradise with                        intellectuals brought
                                 and lush green mountains   exceptional sightseeing                         popularity to it through
                                 dotted with ancient ruins.   opportunities, water                          their writings. Today,
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