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          8                                                                                 HEALTH AND LABORATORY MAGAZINE

                                    A MATERIAL MADE

                                    ENTIRELY OUT OF


          No camera could have     THIS IS THE
          possibly imaged the crys-  FIRST TIME
          tal, so the scientists had
          to get creative. Instead,   SOMEONE
          they managed to get their   CLAIMING TO
          snapshot using a scan-
          ning tunneling micro-    MAKE A WIGNER
          scope (STM), which uses a   CRYSTAL
          probe to detect the exact
          location of the gridlocked   PRESENTED
          electrons by observing how   PROOF.
          they respond to a tiny jolt
          of electricity. It’s a move
          that other scientists un-  lished on 29 September in
          related to the experiment   Nature.
          was particularly clever.                          travelled slowly enough,   distances apart, so pairing   structure of the graphene
                                   To create the Wigner     that repulsion would begin   them together creates a   directly above, which was
          “I think that’s a great   crystals, Wang’s team   to dominate their behav-  honeycomb ‘moiré pattern’,   then picked up by the STM.
          advancement, being able   built a device containing   iour. The electrons would   similar to that seen when   The images clearly show
          to perform STM on this   atom-thin layers of two   then find arrangements   overlaying two grids. That   the neat arrangement
          system,” Columbia Univer-  similar semiconductors:   that minimize their total   repeating pattern created   of the underlying Wigner
          sity physicist Carmen Rubio   tungsten disulfide and   energy, such as a honey-  regions of slightly lower   electrons. As expected,
          said.                    tungsten diselenide. The   comb pattern. So Wang   energy, which helped the   consecutive electrons in
                                   team then used an electric   and his colleagues slowed   electrons settle down.  the Wigner crystal are
          THIS IS WHAT A SOLID     field to tune the density of   the electrons in their device               nearly 100 times farther
          MADE OF ELECTRONS        the electrons that moved   by cooling it to just a few   GRAPHENE TRICK    apart than are the atoms in
          LOOKS LIKE               freely along the interface   degrees above absolute                        the semiconductor device’s
                                   between the two layers.  zero.                    The team used a scanning   actual crystals.
          If the conditions are just                                                 tunnelling microscope
          right, some of the elec-  In ordinary materials,   A mismatch between the   (STM) to see this Wign-  “I think that’s a great
          trons inside a material will   electrons zoom around too   two layers in the device   er crystal. In an STM, a   advancement, being able
          arrange themselves into   quickly to be significantly   also helped the electrons   metal tip hovers above the   to perform STM on this
          a tidy honeycomb pattern   affected by the repulsion   to form Wigner crystals.   surface of a sample, and a   system,” says Carmen
          — like a solid within a solid.                                             voltage causes electrons   Rubio Verdú, a physicist
          Physicists have now direct-                                                to jump down from the tip,   at Columbia University in
          ly imaged these ‘Wigner                                                    creating an electric current.   New York City. She adds
          crystals’, named after the                                                 As the tip moves across   that the same graphene-
          Hungarian-born theorist                                                    the surface, the changing   based method will enable
          Eugene Wigner, who first                                                   intensity of the current   STM studies of a number of
          imagined them almost 90                                                    reveals the location of   other interesting physical
          years ago.                                                                 electrons in the sample.  phenomena beyond Wign-
                                                                                                              er crystals. Kin Fai Mak, a
          Researchers had con-                                                       Initial attempts to image   physicist at Cornell Uni-
          vincingly created Wigner                                                   the Wigner crystal by    versity in Ithaca, New York,
          crystals and measured                                                      applying the STM directly   agrees. “The technique is
          their properties before, but                                               on the double-layer device   non-invasive to the state
          this is the first time that                                                were unsuccessful, Wang   you want to probe. To me, it
          anyone has actually taken                                                  says, because the cur-   is a very clever idea.”
          a snapshot of the patterns,                                                rent destroyed the fragile
          says study co-author Feng   This scanning tunneling microscope image of a graphene   Wigner arrangements. So   Nature 598, 21 (2021)
          Wang, a physicist at the   sheet reveals that a ‘Wigner crystal’ — a honeycomb   the team added a layer
          University of California,   arrangement of electrons — has formed inside a layered   of graphene, a single-at-
          Berkeley. “If you say you   structure underneath. Credit: H. Li et al./Nature  om sheet of carbon, on
          have an electron crystal,   between their negative   The atoms in each of   top. The presence of the
          show me the crystal,” he   charges. But Wigner    the two semiconductor    Wigner crystal slightly
          says. The results were pub-  predicted that if electrons   layers are slightly different   changed the electron
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