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        YOUR DAILY DOSE OF SCIENCE                                                                                              11

                                 UNIVERSITY STUDENTS

                                 PRODUCE UNMANNED ‘SPACE

                                 EXPLORATION VEHICLE’

        Students of the “Rov-
        er Team” working in the
        field of robotics at Gebze
        Technical University (GTU)
        produced a prototype of   The space
        an unmanned space ex-    exploration
        ploration vehicle that can
        move over rough terrain   vehicle,
        and interfere with objects,   designed and
        taking samples from the
        objects they encounter and   prototyped by
        analyzing them.          Gebze Technical

        With the vehicle they com-  University
        pleted in about 6 months,   students in
        the students who partic-
        ipated in the European   6 months,
        Rover Challenge, one of   can move
        the most prestigious space
        and robotics competitions   autonomously
        held in Poland this year,   over rough terrain
        ranked 11th among 60
        teams.                   and analyze
                                 samples taken
        The students, who continue
        their work on the vehicle,   from objects.
        aim to get better grades
        by participating in the
        University Rover Challenge   as “rover” are vehicles
        competition to be held in   designed to conduct scien-
        the USA next year.       tific research on different   of the vehicle belongs to us.   “Later, our ranking   entation task. When we
                                 planets, and they also   One of its most distinctive   dropped because we   looked at the scoreboard,
        Yunus Emre Eyüboğlu, the   produced prototypes last   features is that it can go   couldn’t compete in some   we could jump 3 places up
        team leader and second   year to participate in the   from one place to another   missions in the finals. This   in the ranking even if we
        year student of the Me-  competitions held in this   in a field by deciding on its   is because we can’t take   only entered the missions.”
        chanical Engineering De-  field.                  own. For example when we   the batteries of our vehicle
        partment, explained that                          start it from A and say ‘Go   by plane. Therefore, we   Referring to their short
        the team was established   Eyüboğlu said, “It is a ve-  to C’, the vehicle avoids   shipped the batteries. We   and medium-term goals,
        last year to work in the field   hicle that can manipulate   obstacles and creates its   thought we would get them   Eyüboğlu said, “Currently,
        of robotics and participate   objects with the robot arm   own route. With the 6-axis   when we went to Poland   we want to participate in
        in competitions.         on it, then take soil samples   robotic arm in front of it, it   later, but when we went to   the University Rover Chal-
                                 and examine them, and can   can manipulate the objects   Poland, not even one per-  lenge, which will be held in
        Eyüboğlu stated that there   drive autonomously.”   encountered on the road.   son at the customs spoke   the USA next year. We can
        are 35 members from                               When it comes across an   English. We couldn’t agree   compete in Poland again.
        different departments in   “SOFTWARE AND DESIGN   interesting object, it takes it   with the ones at the cus-  Maybe we can all be part
        the team, and there are   BELONGS TO US”          and analyzes it.”        toms, so we sent the cargo.   of a formation, a start-up,
        5 sub-teams: electronics,                                                  We couldn’t compete in   with the experience we
        software, mechanics, sci-  Eyüboğlu gave the follow-  Eyüboğlu drew attention to   technical duties because   gained here.” used the
        ence and promotion.      ing information about the   the fact that they entered   our electronic components   phrases.
                                 features of the vehicle:  the finals in the 6th place   remained in customs. We
        Eyüboğlu stated that the                          in the qualifying stage and   got to the 11th place by
        exploration vehicles known   “The software and design   said:              only performing the pres-
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