Page 12 - LABMEDYA ENG 05
P. 12
The boat and the outstanding efforts and
yacht engine efforts of Turkish engineers
who are experts in their
produced by fields.
a company The electric motor, which
in Konya, works with low energy
besides having consumption and high
efficiency compared to its
electric and counterparts, can be used
environmentally in the defense industry as
well as in boats and yachts.
technology, The domestic engine,
which draws attention with
works with high its 40 kilograms weight
efficiency with compared to the engines
over 200 kilograms of the
low energy brands that dominate the
consumption market in the world, does
not leave any traces in
compared to its the water with its unique
counterparts. design. The engine, whose
prototype was tested and
successful results were reg-
Dewjet company, which istered, was made ready
started its activities on for mass production. motors in sea and land in their fields, Okka said defense industry. Traceless,
the production of electric vehicles, Okka emphasized that the design became propeller engines leave
motors in the industrial site HIGHLY EFFICIENT AND that the change in climate flesh and bone after a a large trail of foam and
in the central Karatay dis- ENVIRONMENTALLY and the damage caused 5-year R&D process. bubbles behind. Visual-
trict, started to work on the FRIENDLY by fossil fuel engines to the ly, the trace in the water
production of boats and jet environment are effective “THIS GHOST ENGINE IS is minimized. This ghost
engines with the support of Muhammed Ali Okka, said in this. NOT ON THE RADAR” engine is not on the radar.
the Ministry of Industry and that the company was It has such an advantage.
Technology. established to produce Okka pointed out that Okka stated that at the It’s also pretty quiet. It can
two types of engines are end of last year, the work in cover 30%-40% more
used in marine vehicles, “In the company they found- range than engines in the
terms of impact systems, ed on electric water jet same segment. Since it
there are propellers and jet technology accelerated works in water, it does not
engines. Fossil fuel engines and said: need a cooling system.
are rapidly banned in This makes the battery
developed countries due to “We have got the Euro- last longer. It increases
the damage they cause to pean, USA and Turkish the range and lightens the
the environment with their patents of the electric jet engine as well.
high emission values. Elec- engine. It is unique in the
tric ones are also highlight- world, lighter than its coun- They will publish their work
ed with supports. Propeller terparts, no service cost, in the academic field once
engines are less efficient low cost, long lasting. Since the tests of the engine are
than jet engines.” there is no shaft in our en- completed by accredited
Under the leadership of electric boats and yacht gine, the propeller range is institutions, Okka reported
the company’s manager, engines in the field of ad- Explaining that they start- very wide, which gives our that the mass production
Muhammed Ali Okka, an vanced technology. ed working on domestic jet engine extra efficiency. design of the jet engine has
environmentally friendly engine production with 17 been completed.
and outboard electric jet Pointing out that there is a engineers from different Due to its silence, it is in
engine was designed with rapid transition to electric branches who are experts serious demand from the