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High levels of a key
blood protein point to
brain shrinkage and
damage to message -
sending axons
Elevated blood levels of a Graham of Imperial College “No two traumatic brain in-
specific protein may help London and his colleagues juries are alike,” says David Olympic games ended after one
scientists predict who has found. Okonkwo, director of the year delay and without audience.
a better chance of bounc- Neurotrauma Clinical Trials
ing back from a traumatic These researchers also Center at the University of
brain injury. had a unique opportunity Pittsburgh. Scientists have We are still going with 13 medals, two gold
to check that the blood been looking for biomark- through a pandemic and two silver as well as
The protein, called neu- biomarker, which gives in- ers of TBI injury such as NfL measures since 2019, 9 bronze. The medals
rofilament light or NfL direct clues about the brain to develop injury-specific and we had to postpone that Turkey won in the
for short, lends structural injury, actually measured interventions, and Okonk- everything, including the 2020 Olympic Games
support to axons, the ten- what was happening in the wo says these new findings most important things, were as follows;
drils that send messages brain. In 18 of the partici- are promising for patients during this duration. The
between brain cells. Levels pants that needed brain whose injury has damaged 2020 Tokyo Olympics Mete Gazoz, Archery,
of NfL peak on average at surgery, researchers sam- their axons. was another organi- Gold Medal
10 times the typical level pled the fluid surrounding zation affected by this Busenaz Sürmeneli, Box,
20 days after injury and injured neurons. NfL con- “We have not had the tools situation. Although the Gold Medal
stay above normal a year centrations there correlat- to measure a specific injury Olympic Games took Eray Şamdan, Karate,
later, researchers report ed with NfL concentrations type of an individual pa- a shorter time than the Silver Medal
September 29 in Science in the blood. tient,” Okonkwo says. While pandemic, they gave Buse Naz Çakıroğlu,
Translational Medicine. The this test probably is still a us a taste of excite- Box, Silver Medal
higher the peak NfL blood “The work shows that a ment, fighting spirit and Hakan Reçber, Taek-
concentrations after injury, new ultrasensitive blood few years from use in U.S. sportsmanship as well wondo, Bronze Medal
the tougher the recovery clinics, other large research as improved our morale. Hatice Kübra İlgün,
for people with traumatic test can be used to accu- groups are looking for Taekwondo, Bronze
brain injury (TBI) six and 12 rately diagnose traumatic ways to use NfL and other Let’s look at the over- Medal
months later, shows the brain injury,” says Graham. blood-based biomarkers all standings at the Rıza Kayaalp, Wrestle,
study of 197 people treat- “This blood test can predict for diagnosing TBI and Olympic Games: The Bronze Medal
ed at eight trauma centers quite precisely who’s going creating opportunities for USA took the first place Yasemin Adar, Wrestle,
across Europe for moder- to make a good recovery intervention. with 39 gold, 41 silver Bronze Medal
ate to severe TBI. and who’s going to have and 33 bronze medals, Ferhat Arıcan, Gymnas-
more difficulties.” ________________________ overtaking China, which tics, Bronze Medal
Brain scans of 146 partic- onal marker neurofilament was long behind. China Taha Akgül, Wrestle,
ipants revealed that their Study participants were light predicts long-term was second with 38 Bronze Medal
peak NfL concentrations adults and mostly male, outcomes and progressive gold, 32 silver and 18 Ali Sofuoğlu, Karate,
predicted the extent of so more work needs to be neurodegeneration after bronze medals. Japan Bronze Medal
brain shrinkage after six done to determine if these traumatic brain injury finished third with 27 Merve Çoban, Karate,
months, and axon dam- findings apply to women, gold, 14 silver and 17 Bronze Medal
age at six and 12 months children and people with Research Article|Science bronze. Turkey finished Uğur Aktaş, Karate,
after injury, neurologist Neil mild TBI. Translational Medicine| the games in 35th place Bronze Medal