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Reports in 2020.
A team of Orimi co-wrote the newer
scientists, using paper with lead author
Katiane Roversi, Sebastien
a new laser Talbot and Boutopoulos
technique, at UdeM and Marcelo Fal-
chetti and Edroaldo da Ro-
managed to cha at Federal University of
3D print living, Santa Catarina in Brazil. In
it, the researchers demon-
functioning strate that the technology
mouse brain cells can be used to successfully
print sensory neurons, a
in the lab. vital component of the
peripheral nervous system.
This, they say, is promising
A group of researchers for the long-term devel-
including a Concordia PhD opment of bioprinting’s
student have developed a potential, including disease
new method of bioprinting modelling, drug testing and
adult neuron cells. They’re implant fabrication.
using a new laser-assisted Viable and functional
technology that maintains The researchers used
high levels of cell viability dorsal root ganglion (DRG)
and functionality. neurons from the peripher-
PhD candidate and 2020- al nervous system of mice
21 Public Scholar Hamid to test their technology.
Orimi and his co-authors The neurons were sus-
present the feasibility of a pended in a bioink solution
new bioprinting technol- and loaded into a square
ogy they developed in a capillary above a biocom-
recent paper published in patible substrate. Low-en-
the journal Micromachines. ergy nanosecond laser thermomechanics asso- we talk about bioprinting,” animal testing. This not only
They demonstrate how the pulses were focused on ciated with higher laser Orimi says. “They think that has a humanitarian aspect
methodology they created, the middle of the capillary, energy use was more likely we can now print things like -- fewer animals will be
called Laser-Induced Side generating microbubbles to damage the cells. human organs for trans- euthanized to carry out ex-
Transfer (LIST), improves that expanded and ejected Other tests measured plants. While this is a long- periments meant to benefit
on existing bioprinting a cell-laden microjet onto neurite outgrowth (in term objective, we are very humans -- but it will also
techniques by using bioinks the substrate below it. The which developing neurons far from that point. But produce more accurate
of differing viscosities, samples were briefly incu- produce new projections there are still many ways to results, since testing will be
allowing for better 3D bated, then washed and as they grow in response use this technology.” carried out on human, not
printing. Orimi, his Concor- re-incubated for 48 hours. to guidance cues), neu- Nearest at hand is drug animal, tissue.
dia co-supervisor Siva- The team then ran sev- ropeptide release, cal- discovery. The team hopes _________________________
kumar Narayanswamy in eral tests to measure the cium imaging and RNA to get approval to contin- Article: Bioprinting of Adult
the Gina Cody School of printed cells’ capacities. A sequencing. Overall, the ue their research into cell Dorsal Root Ganglion
Engineering and Computer viability assay found that results were generally en- grafting, which can assist (DRG) Neurons Using La-
Science, CRHMR co-super- 86 percent of the cells re- couraging, suggesting that greatly in drug discovery, ser-Induced Side Transfer
visor Christos Boutopoulos mained alive two days af- the technique could be an such as for nerve recovery (LIST).
and co-authors at the ter printing. The research- important contribution to medicines. Concordia University
Université de Montréal first ers note that viability rates the field of bioprinting. Another advantage to Micromachines 2021,
presented the method in improved when the laser “In general, people often using this technology, 12(8), 865; https://doi.
the Nature journal Scientific used lower energy. The leap to conclusions when Orimi says, is a decrease in org/10.3390/mi12080865