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throughout winter. With a KABAK TATLISI foods that you can have a
sour and salty taste pickle (PUMPKIN DESSERT) full gourmet experience.
is a cultural winter deli-
cacy in Turkey. Many fish AYVA TATLISI
vendors and fish serving (QUINCE DESSERT)
boats in Eminönü, serve
pickles in a glass with its
only juices. Drinking the
pickle juice is believed to
protect you from the cold.
The most common types
of pickles in Turkey are Pumpkin dessert is a
cabbage, green pepper, typical winter food that
and cucumber, but you can you have to try. Pumpkin
also find almost any other is cooked in syrup in the Quinces are winter fruits
vegetable preserved this ovensyrup and served with that are highly common in
way. If you want your loved hazelnuts crumbled on top. Turkey. Since quinces grow
ones to taste this delica- It is also common to pour quickly and give abun-
cy, there are many pickle tahini sauce on it. You can dance of fruit all at once,
shops in Istanbul where you try it in many restaurants there are many ways to
can buy a jar of pickles as all around Istanbul during preserve them. One way
a gift for family or friends. winter. Although you can is making a dessert with it.
To try some handmade find it in many restaurants, Similar to pumpkin dessert,
pickles and/or to get them Çiya Restaurant in Kadıköy quinces are also cooked in
as a gift, you should check has a mouthwatering oven with syrup. It is also
out Asri Turşucu in Cihangir. pumpkin dessert that you usual that it is served with
They have a rich variety of might want to try. They clotted cream on top. It is a
pickles and a long history also have various types traditional delicacy that will
tracing back to 1930s. of Kebabs and traditional sweeten your winter days.
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