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        YOUR DAILY DOSE OF SCIENCE                                                                                             13



        The medical mystery of   as it remains possible that   working theory, and the   Article: Identical twins carry
        what causes some twins to   is a consequence of the   discovery of the common   a persistent epigenetic
        be born identical may have   twinning process. But it   marks could be helpful for a   signature of early genome
        been solved by scientists   is said to be a plausible   wide group of people.  programming
        in the Netherlands, raising
        hopes for treatment of
        congenital disorders that
        disproportionately afflict
        them.                                                                  WE'D LIKE TO BE YOUR
                                                                               SOLUTION PARTNER FOR
        Identical twins form after
        a fertilised egg, called a                                             THE HEATING PROCESSES
        zygote, splits into two em-                                            IN YOUR LABORATORY.
        bryos sharing exactly the
        same genes. The reason                                                 Protherm is with you to offer solutions
        for the split is unknown.                                              for your special heat treatment
                                                                               requirements and analyses.
        The prevailing theory has
        been that the biological
        process that leads to
        “monozygotic twinning” is
        random. But international
        researchers led by the Vrije
        Universiteit Amsterdam
        believe they have found a
        common “signature” on the
        DNA of identical twins.

        The research, published in                              >Atmosphere Controlled furnaces up to 2.000°C
        the journal Nature Com-                                   >Ovens up to 650°C
        munications, looked at the                                  > High Temperature Furnaces up to 1.800°C
        epigenetic modifications                                     >High Temperature Tube Furnaces up to 1.800°C
                                                                       >Split Furnaces and CVD systems up to 1.500°C
        in twins’ DNA, factors that                                      >Rotary Furnaces up to 1.600°C
        can switch genes “on” or                                          >Vacuum Furnaces up to 1.500°C and 10-3 Torr
        “off” without changing their                                        >And more…
        underlying sequence. It
        found that identical twins
        from across the world
        shared similar marks at
        834 points across their
        genome, the sum total of
        an organism’s DNA.

        The shared marks, the
        scientists say, can allow
        researchers to determine,
        with up to 80% accuracy
        whether an individual is
        an identical twin, including
        those unaware they had                RTR Series           PLF Series         PVAC Series      ACF Series 2.000°C
        lost their twin in the womb,       Rotary Furnaces     Chamber Furnaces     Vacuum Furnaces   Atmosphere Controlled
        known as vanishing twin                                                                             Furnaces
        syndrome, or been sepa-
        rated at birth.

                                                               Ergazi Mah. 1695. Cad.   t: +90 312 257 13 31
        It is yet to be proved that                            1819. Sok. No:5       f: +90 312 257 13 35
        the chemical marks on the                              Batıkent 06370 Ankara
        DNA are the cause of iden-
        tical twins being conceived,
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