Page 16 - LABMEDYA ENG 05
P. 16


          16                                                                                HEALTH AND LABORATORY MAGAZINE

                                   A LAND THAT

                                   TURNS INTO HEAVEN

          The sound of Skiboards   and even rainy at times. So,   your winter getaways too.   Cappadocia between April   For your best chance of
          sliding on the snow, a con-  if you do not find frequent   Turkey is quieter in winter,   and October but in winter,   snowy landscapes, come
          clave of amateur moun-   showers of rain and nippy   so you won’t have to deal   when the fairy chimney   in January or February.
          taineers and scattered   weather, then you must   with a lot of tourist crowd.   formations are topped with   Although snow is possible
          figurines of snowmen. All   definitely go for it. In case   This also brings us to the   a dusting of snow, the land-  any time from November
          these are lesser known   you are wondering if there’s   second most important   scape here is at its most   through to April, these two
          persona of Turkey. Winters   snow in Turkey, then you will   point, which is expenses.   magical.   months generally bring the
          in Turkey are definitely   be delighted to know the   The place is cheaper, espe-                   most snow.
          worth an experience. Some   answer is yes.        cially the accommodation   The best way to experi-
          even say that Turkey is                           and your choices are also   ence the sinewy valleys,   LAKE ÇILDIR SLEIGHING
          better visited in the colder   WHY WINTER IN TURKEY?  wide. Another important   filled with hoodoo rocks
          months.                                           aspect of your trip is expe-  and spiky cones, in all their
                                   Turkey has three different   riencing the culture. During   snowy glory is from the air.
          If you are looking for a   climate zones due to its   winter, because of the less
          totally unique skiing ex-  immense size. The win-  crowd, you will have better   Cappadocia’s hot-air bal-
          perience, then you are in   ters in Turkey starts from   access to public places and   looning is one of Turkey’s
          for a real treat if you are   mid-December and ends   people.              most famous activities and
          planning to spend your   in mid-March. Different                           top of most tourists’ things
          winter in Turkey. There are   regions of Turkey experi-  HOT-AIR BALLOONING    to do list. Ballooning runs
          several ski areas in Turkey   ence different quality of   IN CAPPADOCIA    year-round here (though
          along with world-class   winter. It can range from                         it sometimes has to be
          heli-skiing. Besides this,   mild to snowy or from rainy                   called off due to inclement   A favorite winter destina-
          cherish other winter sports   to dry cold. Temperatures                    weather) and provides    tion for Turkish tourists,
          too and witness the au-  may vary from -13°C to                            bird’s-eye panoramic views   who flock here during Feb-
          thentic local life. Right from   24°C depending upon the                   across the landscape.    ruary, Lake Çıldır is still well
          competitively priced hotels   climate zone. Erzurum is                                              off most foreign visitor’s
          to cheap round trip flights,   the coldest place in Turkey                 You’ll need to wrap up   radars. This high-altitude
          get prepared to have your   during the season.                             warm and be prepared for   lake, in Turkey’s mountain-
          mind blown away.                                                           sub-zero temperatures    ous northeastern corner, is
                                   Turkey has always been                            when being picked up for   a winter wonderland and
          Turkey winter season con-  perceived as a summer                           your ballooning tour, as   well worth the long journey
          tinues from December till   holiday destination, but   The vast amount of   balloon flights take off just   out here.
          February. It could get chilly   Turkey is a good choice for   travelers may arrive in   after dawn.
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