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          18                                                                                HEALTH AND LABORATORY MAGAZINE




                                   Seven years ago, an      far has appeared only as a   genes used to fight off   protein—to defeat a variety
                                   understanding of nature   preprint, reports a similar   phages. Such genes tend   of viruses.
                                   inspired a revolutionary   finding.               to be close to one another,
                                   new technology, when                              and his team developed   For a retron called Ec48,
                                   researchers turned a     The new understanding of   a computer program that   Sorek and colleagues
                                   defense system used by   retrons’ natural function   searched for new defense   showed the associated
                                   bacteria to thwart viruses   could boost efforts to put   systems next to the genes   protein delivers the coup
                                   into the gene-editing tool   them to work. Retrons are   for the CRISPR and other   de grâce by homing in
                                   now known as CRISPR. But   “quite efficient tools for   known antiviral constructs.   on a bacterium’s outer
                                   for another emerging gene   accurate and efficient ge-  One stretch of DNA stood   membrane and altering its
                                   editor the understanding   nome editing,” says Rotem   out to Weizmann gradu-  permeability. The research-
                                   has lagged the applica-  Sorek, a microbial genom-  ate student Adi Millman   ers concluded that the
                                   tions. For several years,   icist at the Weizmann
                                   researchers have been    Institute of Science and an
                                   adapting retrons—myste-  author of the Cell study. But
                                   rious complexes of DNA,   they don’t rival CRISPR yet,
                                   RNA, and protein found   in part because the tech-
                                   in some bacteria—into a   nology hasn’t been made
                                   potentially powerful way to   to work in mammalian cells.
                                   alter genomes of single cell
                                   organisms. Now, biology is   In the 1980s, researchers
                                   catching up, as two groups   studying a soil bacterium
                                                            were puzzled to find many
                                                            copies of short sequenc-
                                                            es of single-stranded
                                                            DNA littering the cells.
          Sparking thoughts of CRISPR’s                     The mystery deepened
          beginnings, the genetic elements                  when they learned each   because it included a gene   retron somehow “guards”
                                                            bit of DNA was attached
          called retrons can only edit single-              to an RNA with a comple-  for a reverse transcriptase   another molecular complex
          cell organisms so far.                            mentary base sequence.   flanked by stretches of   that is the bacterium’s first
                                                                                     DNA that didn’t code for
                                                                                                              line of antiviral defense.
                                                            Eventually they realized
                                                            an enzyme called re-     any known bacterial pro-  Some phages deactivate
                                                            verse transcriptase had   teins. By chance, she came   the complex, which triggers
                                   report evidence that, like   made that DNA from the   across a paper about   the retron to unleash the
                                   CRISPR, retrons are part   attached RNA, and that   retrons and realized that   membrane-destroying
                                   of the bacterial immune   all three molecules—RNA,   the mysterious sequences   protein and kill the infected
                                   arsenal, protecting the mi-  DNA, and enzyme—formed   encoded one of their RNA   cell, Millman, Sorek, and
                                   crobes from viruses called   a complex.           components. “That was a   their team reported on 6
                                   phages.                                           nontrivial leap,” Sorek says.  November in Cell.
                                                            Similar constructs, dubbed
                                   Last week in Cell, one team   retrons for the reverse   The team then noticed that   A second group has
                                   described how a specific   transcriptase, were found in   the DNA encoding retron   reached similar conclu-
                                   retron defends bacteria,   many bacteria. “They really   components often accom-  sions. Led by Athanasios
                                   triggering newly infected   are a remarkable biological   panied a protein-coding   Typas, a microbiologist at
                                   cells to self-destruct so the   entity, yet nobody knew   gene, and the protein var-  the European Molecular Bi-
                                   virus can’t replicate and   what they were for,” says   ied from retron to retron.   ology Laboratory (EMBL),
                                   spread to others. The Cell   Ilya Finkelstein, a biophys-  The team decided to test   Heidelberg, the group
                                   paper “is the first to con-  icist at the University of   its hunch that the cluster   realized that next to the
                                   cretely determine a natural   Texas, Austin.      of sequences represent-  genes coding for a retron
                                   function for retrons,” says                       ed a new phage defense.   in a Salmonella bacterium
                                   Anna Simon, a synthetic   Sorek came upon an early   They went on to show that   was a gene for a protein
                                   biologist at Strand Ther-  hint of their function when   bacteria needed all three   toxic to Salmonella. The
                                   apeutics who has studied   he and his colleagues   components—reverse tran-  team discovered the retron
                                   the bacterial oddities.   searched through 38,000   scriptase, the DNA-RNA   normally keeps the toxin
                                   Another paper, which so   bacterial genomes for   hybrid, and the second   under wraps, but activates
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