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        18                                                                              HEALTH AND LABORATORY MAGAZINE




        OF CULTURE

        Turkey has boasted a     of Turkish sports culture.   years, is an important part   of the sport and gives the
        rich sporting heritage for   This event, where wrestlers   of the Turkish shooting   audience unforgettable
        centuries. This heritage   compete against each   tradition. The athletes,   moments.
        is not limited to modern   other by oiling their bodies,   who aim to hit the target
        sports, but also includes   is not only a sporting event,   with a long spear called   ARCHERY (TURKISH
        deep-rooted and colourful   but also a cultural feast.   javelin on horseback, both   ARCHERY):
        traditional sports. These   Spectators from all over   exhibit their skills and keep
        sports are deeply rooted   the world come together   the spirit of traditional   Archery is a sport and
        in the history, culture and   to watch this spectacular   Turkish ancestral sports   martial art that Turks
        lifestyle of Turkish society.   show and dive into the   alive. Javelin throwing   have skilfully practised
        We invite everyone living   depths of Turkish culture.  is especially popular in   throughout history.
        abroad to discover and                            various regions of Anatolia   Traditional Turkish archery
        experience this unique her-                       and still takes place in   is the art of learning and
        itage. Here is our guide for                      many events. This sport   practising the subtleties   SWORD AND SHIELD:
        a journey into the world of                       combines the nobility of the   of bow and arrow use.
        traditional sports in Turkey:                     horse with the excitement   This sport requires not   Sword and shield is a sport
                                                                                   only physical skill, but also   developed by the Turks to
        OIL WRESTLING                                                              mental focus and spiritual   improve their combat skills.
        (KIRKPINAR):                                                               balance. Turkish archery   Often involving histori-
                                                                                   is still practised by many   cal combat techniques
        One of Turkey’s oldest and                                                 people today and even    and strategies, this sport
        most traditional sporting                                                  successfully represented   requires both physical
        events, oil wrestling has                                                  by Turkish athletes in   strength and mental
        been of great impor-                                                       international tournaments.   sharpness. Athletes armed
        tance throughout history.                                                  While archery continues to   with traditional clothes
        Kırkpınar Oil Wrestling is   JAVELIN THROWING:                             live on as a part of Turkish   fight each other using
        organised once a year in                                                   culture, it also inspires   sword and shield and offer
        Edirne and is one of the   Javelin throwing, which has                     archery enthusiasts around   an unforgettable show
        most important symbols   a history of thousands of                         the world.               to the audience. While
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