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        14                                                                                HEALTH AND LABORATORY MAGAZINE





          Study is the first to analyze

          prenatal MRI scans of children
          later diagnosed with autism.

        A new study using prenatal   cause challenges with   the researchers used an   ditions but not ASD.
        brain scans revealed sig-  communication, cognitive   atlas-based automated
        nificant differences in brain   processing, emotional   anatomical labeling meth-  “Given that many genetic
        structures at around 25   awareness and perception.   od to segment the brain   and environmental factors
        weeks’ gestation between   The causes of ASD are   scans and then compared   could affect the emer-
        children who were later   unknown but both genetic   the segmented brain   gence of ASD starting in
        diagnosed with ASD and   and environmental factors   regions between the dif-  the fetal stages, it is ideal
        those who were not. The   are thought to play a role.   ferent groups. The biggest   to identify the earliest sig-  Images representative of
        study adds to mounting   While early treatment has   differences were found   nature of brain abnormal-  the process researchers
        evidence that autism be-  been shown to improve   in the brain’s insular lobe,   ities in prospective autism   used to analyze prenatal
        gins in early development   language and cognitive   which had a significantly   patients,” said Ortug. “To   brain scans. (a-b) In-utero
        and suggests possible op-  abilities, current diagnostic   larger volume in the ASD   the best of our knowledge,   MRI images used in the
        portunities to identify the   tools can only identify the   group compared with the   this is the first attempt   study, (c) an MRI image
        disorder at an earlier age.  disorder around 18 months   other three control groups.   to semi-automatically   after processing to mask
                                 of age.                  The insula is a region deep   segment the brain regions   the brain from the exter-
        “Earlier detection means                          inside the brain that is   in the prenatal stage in pa-  nal tissue, (d) automatic
        better treatment,” said   To find out if brain scans   thought to have a role in   tients who are diagnosed   segmentation of the brain
                                                                                                            structures, and (e) anal-
        Alpen Ortug, PhD, a post-  taken prenatally could   perceptual awareness,   with autism later and   ysis of the segmented
        doctoral research fellow   help identify signs of ASD   social behavior and deci-  compare different groups   structures. The regional
        at Athinoula A. Martinos   earlier, the researchers   sion-making, among other   of controls.”      segmentation process was
        Center for Biomedical    retrospectively analyzed   functions.                                      done in collaboration with
        Imaging, Massachusetts   39 fetal MRI brain scans                          Ortug conducted the      Yangming Ou at Boston
        General Hospital, Harvard   taken at Boston Children’s   The findings align with oth-  research while in a former   Children’s Hospital. Credit:
        Medical School, first author   Hospital. Nine of the chil-  er recent studies that have   position as a postdoctoral   Alpen Ortug and Emi Taka-
        of the study. “Our results   dren were later diagnosed   reported changes in the   research fellow at Boston   hashi, Harvard Medical
        suggest that an increased   with ASD, 20 were neuro-  insular cortex in adults with   Children’s Hospital. The   School
        volume of the insular lobe   typical and 10 did not have   autism and suggests these   study was led by Harvard
        may be a strong prenatal   ASD but had other health   differences may begin in   Medical School Assistant
        MRI biomarker that could   conditions that were also   the womb. The research-  Professor Emi Takahashi,
        predict the emergence of   observed in the children   ers also found that the   PhD, whose lab recently
        ASD later in life.”      with ASD. The brain scans   scans from children with   moved from Boston Chil-
                                 had been taken at about   ASD showed a significant-  dren’s Hospital to the Athi-
        ASD, diagnosed in 1 in 68   25 weeks’ gestation, on   ly larger amygdala and   noula A. Martinos Center
        children in the U.S., is a   average.             hippocampal commissure   for Biomedical Imaging at
        complex neurodevelop-                             compared with children   Massachusetts General
        mental disorder that can   After preprocessing,   who had other health con-  Hospital.
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