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        YOUR DAILY DOSE OF SCIENCE                                                                                             19

        as HIV and SARS-CoV-2.
        Such studies could help to
        reveal why some people
        naturally fight off certain
        viruses better than others,
        and potentially lead to
        the development of more
        effective vaccines.

        The researchers envision
        that this technology could
        also have other uses.
        Birnbaum’s lab is now
        working on adapting the
        same viruses to deliver
        engineered genes to
        target cells. In that case,
        the viruses would carry not
        only a targeting molecule
        but also a novel gene that                         A NEW TECHNIQUE
        would be incorporated
        exclusively into cells that                        REVEALS HOW IMMUNE
        have the right target.
        This could offer a way to                          CELLS LOCATE THEIR TARGETS
        selectively deliver genes
        that promote cell death
        into cancer cells, for                            MIT biological engineers have developed
                                                          a simple way to identify B or T cells that
        “We built this tool to look                       interact with viral or bacterial proteins.
        for antigens, but there’s
        nothing particularly special
        about antigens,” Birnbaum
        says. “You could potentially
        use it to go into specific
        cells in order to do gene
        modifications for cell and   A study in            Previous research has       ¸  One group ate 50   contribute to bone loss in
        gene therapy.”             postmenopausal people   shown that polyphenol       grams (g) of prunes   postmenopausal women.
                                   suggests eating nutrient-  extracts—plant           (about six prunes)   Thus, prunes might be
                                   rich prunes every day   compounds that act          daily for 12 months.  a promising nutritional
                                   may be beneficial to    as antioxidants and                             intervention to prevent
                                   bone health, reducing   reduce inflammation—in      ¸  A second group   the rise in inflammatory
                                   inflammatory factors    prunes promote lower        ate 100 g of prunes   mediators often observed
                                   that contribute to      levels of oxidative stress   (about 12 prunes)   as part of the aging
                                   osteoporosis.           and inflammation in a       daily for 12 months.  process,” said Janhavi
                                                           type of bone cell called                        Damani, MS, first author
                                   An estimated 13.6 million   osteoclasts. In a new     ¸  A control group ate   of the study.
                                   people in the U.S. over   study, researchers        no prunes.
                                   the age of 50 will develop   from the Integrative
                                   osteoporosis—a loss of   and Biomedical         The research team
                                                           Physiology Program
                                                                                   looked at blood
                                   bone strength caused by   and the Departments   samples taken from all
                                   reduced mineral density   of Nutritional Sciences   volunteers before and
                                   of the bones—by the
        MIT biological engineers                           and Kinesiology at The   after the trial and found
        have devised a way to per-  year 2030. Osteoporosis   Pennsylvania State   significant reductions in
        form large-scale screens   increases the risk of   University explored the   inflammatory markers in
        of how T cells such as this   fracture, especially in   effects of prunes on bone   both of the prune-eating
        one recognize specific     older adults. People who   health after menopause  groups compared to the
        pathogens, such as the HIV   experience menopause                          control group.
        viruses (yellow) show in this   have lower levels of   Postmenopausal women                         Prune study graph-
        image. Credit: Seth Pincus,   estrogen, which trigger an                                            ic. Credit: Janhavi J.
        Elizabeth Fischer and                              with a bone mineral     “Our findings suggest    Damani, MS; Nicole C.A.
        Austin Athman, National    increase in inflammation   density score that was   that consumption of six   Strock, PhD; Mary Jane
        Institute of Allergy and   in the body, which can   defined as low—a marker   to 12 prunes per day may   De Souza, PhD; Connie J.
        Infectious Diseases/NIH    also contribute to bone   of osteoporosis—were   reduce pro-inflammatory   Rogers, PhD, MPH
                                   loss.                   divided into three groups:  mediators that may
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