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        10                                                                                HEALTH AND LABORATORY MAGAZINE




        Fasting during the month of Ramadan can have beneficial effects on blood
        pressure independent of weight changes, fat mass and total body water.

        The study sought to deter-  LORANS STUDY          SYSTEMATIC REVIEW        systematic review, systolic   largely in the healthy,
        mine the health effects of                                                 BP was lower by 3.19 mm   hypertension and diabetes
        the drastic change in life-  The London Ramadan   The researchers then con-  Hg (95% CI, –4.43 to –1.96;   groups but not in patients
        style that millions of people   Study (LORANS) assessed   ducted a systematic review   I2 = 48%) and diastolic BP   with chronic kidney dis-
        undergo during Ramadan.   the systolic and diastolic   and meta-analysis of 32   by 2.26 mm Hg (95% CI,   ease.
        The publication consisted   BP of 85 participants from   additional studies from   –3.19 to –1.34; I2 = 66%)
        of a systematic review of   April 25 to June 16, 2019,   around the world to inves-  after Ramadan.  “Ramadan fasting appears
        several previously con-  before and immediately   tigate Ramadan’s effects                          to have a beneficial effect
        ducted studies, as well as a   after Ramadan. The mean   on systolic and diastolic BP   The body undergoes a   on BP independent of
        longitudinal study conduct-  age of the participants was   outside of London. Among   metabolic switch that   weight, total body water
        ed independently by the   46 years and 53% were   the cohort of 3,213 partici-  starts between 8 and 12   and fat mass,” Al-Jafar
        researchers in London.   men. The fasting time was   pants, 23.3% were healthy,   hours of fasting, when   and colleagues wrote.
                                 15.5 hours per day, and BP   55.5% had type 2 diabetes,   the body switches from
        “Although hundreds of    was calculated three times   3.5% had hypertension and   glucose to ketones for pro-
        millions of Muslims practice   in 30-second intervals   19.1% had chronic kidney   ducing energy, resulting in
        Ramadan fasting world-   at each of the two visits   disease.              an insulin drop that lowers
        wide, the effect of this ritual   (before and after Rama-                  BP, the researchers wrote.
        on health is not adequately   dan), with the researchers   “Although there were
        studied,” Rami Al-Jafar,   calculating the average of   some previous reviews on   According to the study,
        MSPH, lecturer and PhD   the three measurements.   this topic, each of them   lower BP was observed
        candidate in epidemiology   The researchers measured   targeted studies on either
        and biostatistics at Impe-  fat percentage/mass, fat   healthy individuals or a
        rial College London, and   free mass and total body   specific disease group,”
        colleagues wrote. “Blood   water for each participant   Al-Jafar and colleagues
        pressure could be acutely   and had participants fill out   wrote. “Our meta-analysis
        affected by such changes   questionnaires to deter-  covered studies on healthy
        in dietary intake and timing,   mine basic lifestyle choices.  and nonhealthy individuals
        physical activity and sleep                       and included subgroup
        patterns, including among   Results of LORANS found   analysis. We included our
        individuals with hyperten-  that systolic BP after Ram-  own study (LORANS) in
        sion. Studies on the effect   adan fasting was lower by   which we recruited a multi-
        of Ramadan fasting on    7.29 mm Hg (95% CI, –4.74   cultural community-based
        blood pressure, however,   to –9.84) and diastolic BP   sample.”
        are inconclusive.”       was lower by 3.42 mm Hg
                                 (95% CI, –1.73 to –5.09).  Among participants in the
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