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        YOUR DAILY DOSE OF SCIENCE                                                                                             17

                                  GUT BACTERIAS ARE

                                  IMPORTANT  FACTOR IN

                                  BLOOD PRESSURE MEDICINE


                                 Findings could lead to new
                                 options for hypertensive patients

                                 who don’t respond to medication.

        Almost half of the U.S.   standing of the relationship   Research has shown that   they analyzed the compo-  Yang. “However, our cur-
        adult population has     between gut microbes and   the microorganisms in our   sition of the gut microbiota,   rent findings suggest that
        high blood pressure — or   drug efficacy could lead   gut — collectively known as   C. comes emerged as an   the same drug may not be
        hypertension — and about   to new treatment ap-   the gut microbiota — con-  important player.      appropriate for everyone
        20% of these patients have   proaches for people who   tain a variety of enzymes                    because each person has
        treatment-resistant hyper-  don’t respond to blood   that can affect drug me-  Through additional ex-  a unique gut microbial
        tension. The reason why   pressure medication. This   tabolism.            periments, the research-  composition with a unique
        some people are resistant   could include new drugs or                     ers found that C. comes   profile of enzymatic activ-
        to treatment has been a   modulating gut microbiota   To find out if gut micro-  can actually break down   ities.”
        mystery, but new study   with probiotics, antibiotics,   biota might play a role in   quinapril. They also ob-
        results show that a certain   and other methods.”  resistance to blood pres-  served that giving C. comes   The researchers are now
        gut bacterium may be an                           sure medicine, Yang and   and quinapril to hyperten-  performing similar experi-
        important factor.        By studying the gut mi-  colleagues administered a   sive rats reduced blood   ments using other types of
                                 crobes of rats, Yang and   single dose of the ACE in-  pressure less than adminis-  gut bacteria and additional
                                 colleagues discovered    hibitor quinapril to rats with   tering quinapril alone.  blood pressure medica-
                                 that a bacteria known    high blood pressure. They                         tions to further explore how
                                 as Coprococcus comes     found that quinapril was   “We are still in the early   the gut microbiota modu-
                                 contributes to resistance   more effective at lowering   stages of determining the   lates the effectiveness of
                                 to ACE inhibitors, one of   blood pressure in hyper-  interactions between gut   antihypertensive drugs.
                                 the primary drug classes   tensive rats with a lower   bacteria and antihyper-
                                 used to treat high blood   gut microbiota load. When   tensive medications,” said

        “Today, doctors treat    “Our ultimate goal is to find
        resistant hypertension   a link between gut micro-
        by adding or substituting   bial composition and en-
        medications, which can   zymatic activity and drug
        contribute to overdoses,   response effectiveness
        more side effects, and   because this will provide
        noncompliance,” said Tao   a foundation for applying   Researchers discovered that a bacterium known as Coprococcus comes may contribute to
        Yang, PhD, assistant pro-  precision medicine to treat   resistance to ACE inhibitors. They used studies involving liquid chromatography–mass spectrom-
        fessor at the University of   resistant hypertension,”   etry and blood pressure readings recorded via radio telemetry from a rat model of hypertension.
        Toledo. “A better under-  Yang said.              Credit: Tao Yang, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, University of Toledo
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