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        YOUR DAILY DOSE OF SCIENCE                                                                                             13

        throughout the genome    explore. The researchers   can be rejuvenated without   group leader in the Epige-  of aging. This approach
        indicate age. The second is   speculate that key areas   losing their function and   netics research program   holds promise for valuable
        the transcriptome, all the   of the genome involved in   that rejuvenation looks   who has recently moved   discoveries that could open
        gene readouts produced   shaping cell identity might   to restore some function   to lead the Altos Labs   up an amazing therapeutic
        by the cell. By these two   escape the reprogramming   to old cells. The fact that   Cambridge Institute, said:   horizon.”
        measures, the repro-     process.                 we also saw a reverse of   “This work has very exciting
        grammed cells matched                             aging indicators in genes   implications. Eventually,   Reference: “Multi-omic
        the profile of cells that were   Diljeet concluded: “Our   associated with diseases   we may be able to identify   rejuvenation of human
        30 years younger com-    results represent a big step   is particularly promising for   genes that rejuvenate   cells by maturation phase
        pared to reference data   forward in our understand-  the future of this work.”  without reprogramming,   transient reprogramming”
        sets.                    ing of cell reprogramming.                        and specifically target   7 April 2022, eLife.
                                 We have proved that cells   Professor Wolf Reik, a   those to reduce the effects
        The potential applica-
        tions of this technique are
        dependent on the cells not
        only appearing younger,                                                WE'D LIKE TO BE YOUR
        but functioning like young
        cells too. Fibroblasts                                                 SOLUTION PARTNER FOR
        produce collagen, a mol-                                               THE HEATING PROCESSES
        ecule found in bones, skin
        tendons and ligaments,                                                 IN YOUR LABORATORY.
        helping provide structure
        to tissues and heal wounds.                                            Protherm is with you to offer solutions
        The rejuvenated fibroblasts                                            for your special heat treatment
        produced more collagen                                                 requirements and analyses.
        proteins compared to
        control cells that did not
        undergo the reprogram-
        ming process. Fibroblasts
        also move into areas that
        need repairing. Research-
        ers tested the partially
        rejuvenated cells by
        creating an artificial cut in a
        layer of cells in a dish. They
        found that their treated
        fibroblasts moved into the                              >Atmosphere Controlled furnaces up to 2.000°C
        gap faster than older cells.                              >Ovens up to 650°C
        This is a promising sign                                    > High Temperature Furnaces up to 1.800°C
                                                                     >High Temperature Tube Furnaces up to 1.800°C
        that one day this research                                     >Split Furnaces and CVD systems up to 1.500°C
        could eventually be used to                                      >Rotary Furnaces up to 1.600°C
        create cells that are better                                      >Vacuum Furnaces up to 1.500°C and 10-3 Torr
                                                                            >And more…
        at healing wounds.

        In the future, this research
        may also open up other
        therapeutic possibilities;
        the researchers observed
        that their method also had
        an effect on other genes
        linked to age-related dis-
        eases and symptoms. The
        APBA2 gene, associated
        with Alzheimer’s disease,
        and the MAF gene with a
        role in the development of
        cataracts, both showed
        changes towards youthful              RTR Series           PLF Series         PVAC Series      ACF Series 2.000°C
        levels of transcription.           Rotary Furnaces     Chamber Furnaces     Vacuum Furnaces   Atmosphere Controlled
        The mechanism behind
        the successful transient
        reprogramming is not yet                               Ergazi Mah. 1695. Cad.   t: +90 312 257 13 31
        fully understood, and is the                           1819. Sok. No:5       f: +90 312 257 13 35
        next piece of the puzzle to                            Batıkent 06370 Ankara
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