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        12                                                                                HEALTH AND LABORATORY MAGAZINE

        “30 YEARS

        TIME JUMP!”

        Findings could lead to targeted
        approach for treating aging.

        Research from the        the genome accumulates   overcomes the problem of   uration phase transient   researchers looked for
        Babraham Institute has   marks of aging. Regenera-  entirely erasing cell identity   reprogramming’, exposes   changes in the hallmarks
        developed a method to    tive biology aims to repair   by halting reprogramming   cells to Yamanaka factors   of aging. As explained by
        ‘time jump’ human skin   or replace cells including   part of the way through   for just 13 days. At this   Dr. Diljeet Gill, a postdoc
        cells by 30 years, turning   old ones. One of the most   the process. This allowed   point, age-related changes   in Wolf Reik’s lab at the
        back the aging clock for   important tools in regener-  researchers to find the pre-  are removed and the cells   Institute who conducted
        cells without losing their   ative biology is our ability   cise balance between re-  have temporarily lost their   the work as a PhD student:
        specialized function. Work   to create ‘induced’ stem   programming cells, making   identity. The partly repro-  “Our understanding of
        by researchers in the Insti-  cells. The process is a result   them biologically younger,   grammed cells were given   aging on a molecular level
        tute’s Epigenetics research   of several steps, each   while still being able to   time to grow under normal   has progressed over the
        program has been able to   erasing some of the marks   regain their specialized cell   conditions, to observe   last decade, giving rise
        partly restore the function   that make cells special-  function.          whether their specific skin   to techniques that allow
        of older cells, as well as   ized. In theory, these stem                   cell function returned. Ge-  researchers to measure
        rejuvenating the molecular   cells have the potential to   In 2007, Shinya Yamanaka   nome analysis showed that   age-related biological
        measures of biological age.   become any cell type, but   was the first scientist to   cells had regained markers   changes in human cells. We
        The research is published in   scientists aren’t yet able to   turn normal cells, which   characteristic of skin cells   were able to apply this to
        the journal eLife and whilst   reliably recreate the con-  have a specific function,   (fibroblasts), and this was   our experiment to deter-
        at an early stage of explo-  ditions to re-differentiate   into stem cells that have   confirmed by observing   mine the extent of repro-
        ration, it could revolutionize   stem cells into all cell types.  the special ability to   collagen production in the   gramming our new method
        regenerative medicine.                            develop into any cell type.   reprogrammed cells.  achieved.”
                                 TURNING BACK TIME        The full process of stem
        WHAT IS REGENERATIVE                              cell reprogramming takes   AGE IS NOT JUST A      Researchers looked at
        MEDICINE?                The new method, based    around 50 days using four   NUMBER                multiple measures of
                                 on the Nobel Prize-win-  key molecules called the                          cellular age. The first is the
        As we age, our cells’ ability   ning technique scientists   Yamanaka factors. The   To show that the cells had   epigenetic clock, where
        to function declines and   use to make stem cells,   new method, called ‘mat-  been rejuvenated, the   chemical tags present
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