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        YOUR DAILY DOSE OF SCIENCE                                                                                             19

        it in the presence of phage   mutated. They combined   WORLD HEALTH
        proteins.                them with CRISPR’s “guide
                                 RNA,” which homes on the
        The two groups met at    targeted DNA, and the      ORGANIZATION SAYS GENE
        an EMBL meeting in the   CAS9 enzyme that acts as
        summer of 2019. “It was   CRISPR’s molecular scis-  EDITING SUPERHUMANS
        refreshing to see how    sors. Once CAS9 cut the
        complementary and        DNA, the cell’s DNA repair
        converging our work was,”   mechanisms replaced the   MUST BE ILLEGAL
        Typas says. The teams    yeast gene with the DNA
        simultaneously posted    generated by the retron’s
        preprints on their work   reverse transcriptase.
        in June on bioRxiv. Even
        before these discoveries,   CRISPEY enabled Stanford
        other researchers had tak-  graduate student Shi-An
        en advantage of retrons’   Anderson Chen and his col-
        then-mysterious features   leagues to efficiently make
        to devise new gene editors.   tens of thousands of yeast
        CRISPR easily targets and   mutants, each different by
        binds to or cuts desired   just one base. That let them
        regions of the genome, but   determine, for example,
                                 which bases were essential
                                 for yeast to thrive in glu-
                                 cose. “CRISPEY is very cool
                                 and extremely powerful,”
                                 says Harmit Malik, an evo-
                                 lutionary biologist at the   After the now-infamous                        children. Instead, ethicists
                                 Fred Hutchinson Cancer     scientist He Jiankui                            generally agree — and the
                                 Research Center. This year,   experimentally gene-                         committee recommend-
                                 two other teams—led by     hacked several human                            ed — that it’s best to focus
                                 geneticist George Church   embryos and allowed     New frame-              on edits intended to treat
                                 at Harvard University and   them to be born as     work aims to            or reverse diseases.
                                 Massachusetts Institute    babies, the genetics re-
                                 of Technology synthetic    search community began   prevent unfair         The report also sought to
                                 biologist Timothy Lu—de-   to scramble to for new   and poten-             make sure that gene ther-
                                 scribed similar feats in bac-  ground rules.                               apies would be distribut-
                                 teria in bioRxiv preprints.                        tially dan-             ed equitably throughout
        so far it isn’t very adept at                       Now some of those       gerous ap-              the world. Too commonly,
        introducing new code in   Researchers are excited   rules are starting to take                      its authors said, clinical
        the target DNA. Retrons,   about retrons, but caution   shape, The Wall Street   plications of      trials will be conducted in
        combined with elements   they have a lot to learn   Journal reports. A special   experimental       poorer countries while the
        of CRISPR, seem able to   about how to turn these   World Health Organiza-                          resulting therapies end up
        do better thanks to their   bacterial swords into   tion advisory panel issued   techniques,        in wealthier nations, with
        reverse transcriptases:   plowshares. “It could be   two new reports that   including               high price tags attached.
        They can manufacture     that retrons will be as rev-  issue recommendations
        lots of copies of a desired   olutionary as CRISPR has   and ethical guidelines for   altering DNA   WHO reports run into
        sequence, which can be   been,” Simon says. “But    the international research   to enhance         similar issues as other
        spliced efficiently into the   until we understand more   community around thorny                   international treaties: it’s
        host genome. “Because    about the natural biology   genetics ethics questions.  athletic ability   not clear who, exactly,
        CRISPR-based systems     and synthetic behavior of                                                  will enforce them beyond
        and retrons have different   retrons, it is difficult to say.”  Unfortunately for anyone            voluntary adherence.
        strengths, combining them                           who’d hoped that recent   research will proceed,”
        is a highly promising strate-  _________________________  advances in CRISPR   Dalhousie University gene   “It is still a very open
        gy,” Simon says.       tech meant they could   editing ethicist and com-  question in my mind of
                                 org/content/arti-          gene-hack their way into   mittee member Françoise   who is responsible for
        In 2018, researchers in   cle/microbes-mys-         some swole muscles, for   Baylis told the WSJ.  doing it,” Jeffrey Kahn, a
        Hunter Fraser’s Stanford   tery-dna-helps-defeat-vi-  instance, it seems like                       Johns Hopkins University
        University lab introduced   ruses-and-has-geno-     human augmentation      Alongside gene edit-    bioethicist who worked on
        a retron-derived base    me-editing-potential       outside of medical neces-  ing meant to augment   a similar report last year,
        editor, dubbed CRISPEY                              sity is getting the axe.  human performance,    told the WSJ, “and who is
        (Cas9 retron precise par-                                                   the reports also urged   going to step up.”
        allel editing via homology).                        “We want people to look   against germline edits,
        First, they made retrons                            at what is happening now   or any genetic altera-
        whose RNA matched yeast                             and what we need to do   tion that a patient would
        genes, but with one base                            to shape the way the    pass along to their future
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