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            ¸  No significant associ-  beans, fish and other
            ations were noted in   healthy foods and plant-
            relation to stroke risk   based fats such as olive,
            and how much avoca-  canola, sesame and other
            do was eaten.        non-tropical oils.

        The study’s results provide   “These findings are signif-
        additional guidance for   icant because a healthy
        health care professionals   dietary pattern is the
        to share. Offering the sug-  cornerstone for cardio-
        gestion to “replace certain   vascular health, however,
        spreads and saturated    it can be difficult for many
        fat-containing foods, such   Americans to achieve and
        as cheese and processed   adhere to healthy eating
        meats, with avocado is   patterns,” said Cheryl
        something physicians and   Anderson, Ph.D., M.P.H.,   School of Public Health   and in restaurants.”  health care professionals,
        other health care practi-  FAHA, chair of the Amer-  and Human Longevity                            so these results may not
        tioners such as registered   ican Heart Association’s   Science at University of   The study is observational,   apply to other groups.
        dietitians can do when   Council on Epidemiology   California San Diego. “Al-  so a direct cause and ef-
        they meet with patients,   and Prevention.        though no one food is the   fect cannot be proved. Two   Reference: “Avocado
        especially since avocado                          solution to routinely eating   other limitations of the re-  Consumption and Risk of
        is a well-accepted food,”   “We desperately need   a healthy diet, this study   search involve data collec-  Cardiovascular Disease in
        Pacheco said.            strategies to improve in-  is evidence that avoca-  tion and the composition   US Adults” by Lorena S.
                                 take of AHA-recommend-   dos have possible health   of the study population.   Pacheco, Yanping Li, Eric
        The study aligns with the   ed healthy diets — such as   benefits. This is promising   The study analyses may be   B. Rimm, JoAnn E. Manson,
        American Heart Associ-   the Mediterranean diet —   because it is a food item   affected by measurement   Qi Sun, Kathryn Rexrode,
        ation’s guidance to follow   that are rich in vegetables   that is popular, accessi-  errors because dietary   Frank B. Hu and Marta
        the Mediterranean diet – a   and fruits,” said Anderson,   ble, desirable and easy to   consumption was self-re-  Guasch Ferré30 March
        dietary pattern focused on   who is professor and dean   include in meals eaten by   ported. Participants were   2022, Journal of the Ameri-
        fruits, vegetables, grains,   of the Herbert Wertheim   many Americans at home   mostly white nurses and   can Heart Association.

                                                              Biolife Italiana
                                                              Microbiology                                  Lifescience
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