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       The first and only laboratory

       products association of Turkey

       Our Association LABSIAD was     In the contemporary world,
       founded on the principle of     where technologies entered and
       voluntariness to solve legal,   engrossed our life rapidly, our     As the first Laboratory Products Manufacturer and
       financial and social problems   necessity to harmonise with the     Businessmen Association of Turkey, we were founded
       of laboratory device producers,   conditions has also changed.      with missions of creating strength from togetherness,
       sellers and association members   We aim to catch the speed of      pursuing innovation, making contribution to the
       who make publications, R&D      this new world, and to behave       sector, providing solutions for problems and new
       and calibrations in the public and   according to changing demands   projects by evaluating global dynamics and local
       private sector.                 and expectations. We have to        socio-economic conditions.
       Today, innovation, advanced     develop new ideas and products
       technology and sustainability are   that will enrich our lives, solve
       three integrated concepts which   our problems in current business   according to our missions.   Association that supports our
       cannot be separated from each   models, evaluate proposed social   Our most important target is to   country in reaching the cutting
       other. Institutions have to pursue   and economic data in the long   transform our Laboratory Products   edge technologies in Science,
       these concepts to be successful   term, transform created ideas and   Manufacturer and Businessmen   R&D, Industrial production and
       and to protect their success in   solutions and take all necessary   Association of Turkey, founded on   related quality control processes, in
       the trade area. We have to act in   precautions.                 voluntariness principle and reached   the new era of our country where
       guidance of these three concepts   We combined all our strength   today with the valuable support   especially long term investments
       in order to create difference in our   in this way and we continue   and devoted studies of all our   increase in the industrial area.
       sectors.                        to advance towards our target    members, to a Non-governmental

           PROWHITE                                             ®

           test technologıes

          Universal Strenght Tester       Bursting Tester              UL94 / IEC Tester               Air Permeability Tester

           Supplying  test equipment for regarding customer special request
           We  cooperates  with  R&D  departments,  TUBITAK,  KOSGEB  and
           universities  for  following  closely  the  developments  of  emerging              Stand  B15/A    Hall 14     Stand 1401
           technologies                                                                      28-30 April 2016     1-4 June 2016
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