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Turkey not These viruses include Dengue Istanbul’s local support programs as well as rhythm
and body percussion, creative drama
Fever, Chikungunya Fever, the
and alternative art workshops.
West Nile virus, which is found in
at risk temperate and tropical regions of community center For the young, there are also body
health and social equality courses
the world, as well as Sandfly Fever,
along with literacy support, English
which was also spotted in Turkey.
for Zika, According to Ergönül, Zika celebrates 10th year with classes and reproductive health
courses for adults. TTM also supports
Turkish courses for migrants living in
attracted attention “[because of]
Tarlabaşı region, while also providing
infectious its ability to rapidly spread.” cultural events A local community center psychological and legal support for
It also plans house visits to mothers of
at the heart of Istanbul’s
However, this virus “cannot spread
disease person to person” without the The award ceremony will Beyoğlu district, children regarding their needs, whether
it be education or health-related.
be held on April 29 with a
involvement of Aedes mosquitos,
Tarlabaşı Community
However, the center has struggled
jury including prominent
according to Ergönül. No matter,
with sustainability and finding income
expert says flu-like symptoms should be taken directors, actors and film Center (TTM), is set sources.
to celebrate its 10th
“I have been working since its
into account, as those infected
Meanwhile, Suntekin also
foundation. I am trying to keep
show basic flu symptoms and it is
anniversary celebrations
long events focusing on
a “disease with a good prognosis,” added that that the 10th anniversary with year- the center alive by continuing its
he said. would continue with a multiculturalism and activities and services but trying to
The Zika virus does not According to Professor Ergönül, Maria de Lourdes, who is nine forum called “Interchildren find [financial] sources is tiring and
pose a serious threat for who is also the chair of the months pregnant, poses for a picture The virus can only spread person Child Rights Forum” peace. corrosive,” Suntekin said, adding that
the center is run entirely by volunteers.
in May, which will be
Turkey due to geographical American Hospital’s infectious at the IMIP hospital in Recife, Brazil, to person “if the virus mutates,” he followed by a street festival She added that TTM has created a
January 28, 2016. REUTERS Photo
diseases department, the rare
distance, says the head presence of Aedes mosquitoes said, adding “It has not mutated so The first of those events is a short in October and a panel center’s activity, was founded in network with many NGOs over the
2007 as a part of project prepared
of the Turkish Society in Turkey has eased concerns far; but the risk continues.” film contest under the motto, “There gathering different segments of the for Beyoğlu-Tarlabaşı area, which past 10 years, including the Sabancı
Foundation, Swedish Consulate and
is space here for every one” (Burada
Tarlabaşı neighborhood at the end of
of Clinical Microbiology amongst medical experts in Turkey. ‘We will stick to WHO’s warnings’ Herkese Yer Var) in association with the year. is a host to many different cultures, EMpower Foundation. The center also
and Infectious Diseases subtropical climates. The Zika virus has no special UKA Film. Founded in 2005, TTM serves to migration-based adaptation problems, does joint projects with local NGOs in
poverty, unemployment and illegal
The last date to apply to the contest is
(KLIMIK), Professor Önder Aedes mosquitoes cause Ergönül told DHA in an exclusive treatment or antiviral medication March 11. engage locals in city life, offering equal relationships, with a support from the
opportunities to all its disenfranchised
widespread outbreaks of Zika, a
Ergönül, while warning virus thought to have links with interview that Turkish citizens could developed so far. But an early TTM Chief Social Service Expert Ceren residents. It also provides support European Commission’s The European
Initiative for Democracy and Human
that international travel to birth defects among thousands be infected just like other European treatment using anti-Influenza Suntekin said the idea to run a short and counselling for more than 13,000 Rights Micro Project Programme,”
medication could ease the
film contest came out of a desire to
disadvantaged children, youth and
regions of outbreak risk of newborns particularly in the travelers who have caught the symptoms, although this has been fight all kinds of discrimination and women. Suntekin said.
pregnant women’s lives. Americas. These mosquitoes disease during their visits to critical limited to a supportive treatment, racism while spreading multicultural “The Association to Support Tarlabaşı The activities of the center include
mostly live in tropical and zones. “The world is smaller now; he added. peace culture. Society [TTD], which performs the study time, personal support, literacy
travelling is easier,” he added.
“To develop vaccines against
Following fear in South and Central these sorts of viruses with good
America, people who have travelled
Connecting Global Competence prognoses is mostly considered
to these regions from Denmark, the meaningless. It takes between
U.K. and Switzerland have recently five and 10 years to develop a
caught the virus, increasing global vaccine and for a disease that can
alarm signals. disappear itself, these efforts could
be unnecessary. In this regard, we
‘Death toll nearly zero’
F U TU RE According to research carried out stick to the warnings of the World
Health Organization [WHO],” he
3 2 4 in Brazil, “The risk of microcephaly, said.
which causes babies to be born
with heads that appear shrunken, Regarding debates on the potential
is 20 times higher for pregnant relation between climate change
NE TW O RK women who have been infected and the outbreak of the Zika virus,
3 4 [with the Zika virus], compared to Ergönül suggested that a certain
women who have not,” Ergönül link could only be revealed after
said. years of work and monitoring.
Thus, a relation cannot be
However, Ergönül added, “The
GL 0 B AL death toll of the virus is nearly predicted through mathematical
3 2 2 zero and the indicated deaths in modellings, despite the fact that
[medical] literature are known climate change influences the
life cycles of arthropods like
Elementary to your success. Highlights to have links with other health mosquitos and acarids.
in 2016:
Laboratuvar teknolojileri, enstrümantal analiz, biyoteknoloji Live Labs and
ve laboratuvar endüstrisinin tüm ihtiyaçlarını kars¸ılayacak occupational Meanwhile, WHO Director-General
ürün grubuna sahip Dünyanın en büyük ag˘ıdır. Biyokimya ‘Flu-like symptoms should be Margaret Chan said they will
ve laboratuvar tıbbı konusunda son bulus¸ları ve uluslararası safety examined’
seçkin tartıs¸maları analytica konferansında bulabilirsiniz. convene an International Health
The virus’ threat to babies’ brain
Agora Turizm ve Tic. Ltd. S¸ti., Eren Ergen, Regulations Emergency Committee
development has particularly on Feb. 1 about the Zika virus in
“touched” people, said the Geneva, to ascertain whether the
professor. But in fact, there are
May 10–13, 2016 many other viruses spreading in outbreak constitutes a “Public
Messe München similar conditions, he added. Health Emergency of International
25th International Trade Fair for Laboratory Technology, Concern.”
Analysis, Biotechnology and analytica conference
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