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       Traditional cancer treatment methods

       not ‘ideal,’ Turkish medics say

        Traditional cancer             between four-to-five years,” he   experience of cancer.          is prostate cancer in their families,”             LABORATORY DEVICES
        treatment methods              added.                                                           he added.
                                                                                                        According to Health Ministry
        like chemotherapy                                               As in Turkey, the most commonly   statistics, a total of 17,630 women
        and radiotherapy are           According to Sezgin, these smart   diagnosed cancers worldwide   were diagnosed with breast cancer
                                       medicines directly target cancer
        not ideal anymore, a           cells, killing and preventing growth,   were those of the lung (1.8 million,   in 2012 and one out of four female
                                                                        13 percent of total diagnoses),
        Turkish medical oncology       potentially increasing the average   breast (1.7 million, 11.9 percent)   cancer patients suffer from the
        specialist has said ahead      lifetime of patients by about 30-40   and colorectal (1.4 million,   disease in Turkey.
        of World Cancer Day            percent from initial diagnosis.  9.7 percent), according to the   According to the American Cancer                                                                                                                      MUFFLE FURNACE
        on Feb. 4, underscoring                                         International Agency for Research   Society’s website, new treatments
        that new ways are being                                                                         which could catch breast cancer
                                                                                                        early are being studied and tested
        developed to prevent the                                                                        by scientists.
        growth of cancer cells
        by exploring the “cancer                                                                        “Some drugs help to destroy                                                                                                              PRODUCTION IN TURKEY...
        maps” in human genes.                                                                           tumors in 50-60 percent of patients
                                                                                                        who have locally advanced breast
                                                                                                        cancer,” Breast Health Society                                                                                                                         CLIMATIC TEST
                                                                                                        Founder doctor Vahit Özmen said.                                                                                                                        CHAMBERS

                                                                                                        Molecular breast imaging – also
                                                                                                        known as scintimammography –
                                                                                                        sees a radioactive tracer injected
                                                                                                        into a vein.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            DRY HEAT STERILIZERS/OVEN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               AND INCUBATOR
                                                                                                        This then attaches itself to breast
                                                                                                        cancer cells and can be detected
                                                                                                        with a special camera. However,
                                                                                                        this method is still being studied
                                                                                                        to see if it will be useful in locating
                                                                                                        breast cancers.
       “Older treatments like          According to a 2012 Health       on Cancer’s (IARC) online       Under the description “targeted                                                                                                                         FUME HOOD
       chemotherapy and radiotherapy   Ministry report, every year about   database, GLOBOCAN 2012.      therapies,” one group of drugs also
       are not ideal or ‘smart’ any more,   105,000 men and 71,000 women   GLOBOCAN 2012 revealed that the   takes advantage of gene changes
       as these methods also kill healthy   are diagnosed with various cancers   most common causes of cancer   in cells which can cause cancer.
       cells,” Istanbul-based medical   in Turkey.                      death were those of the lung (1.6
       oncology and internal medicine   Although cancer continues to claim   million, 19.4 percent of the total),   Some drugs currently in use target
       Prof. Canfeza Sezgin told the   many lives and devastate families   liver (0.8 million, 9.1 percent) and   HER2, a gene which can play a
       state-run Anadolu Agency in an   across the country, new treatment   stomach (0.7 million, 8.8 percent).          role in the development of breast                                                                                                     MICROBIOLOGIAL
       interview, adding “new ways are   methods and medicines are      Prostate cancer is also common in   cancer.                                                                                                                                            SAFETY CABINETS
       being developed to prevent the   being found to send cancers into   Turkey.                      About the causes of the disease,
                                                                                                        Ozmen said hormones seem to
       growth of cancer cells by exploring   remission, or at least extend the                          play a major role in breast cancer.
       the human genetic cancer maps.”    lifespans of cancer sufferers.          “A prostate cancer patient can be   A bad diet - especially eating red
                                                                        treated with sound waves without   meat, animal fat and drinking
       Sezgin said “smart medicines”   Men experience lung and prostate   any pain and bleeding. They can   alcohol - is also a risk factor in                                                                                                               SHAKING WATER BATH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              WITH CIRCULATION
       have been used in the last four-to-  cancer as the leading causes of   then return to their normal life,”   developing the illness, he added.
       five years in Turkey and could be   death from the disease. Among   Turkish urology doctor Hüseyin
       used alone or with chemotherapy.  women, breast cancer is the most   Lüleci said, adding that people   Projections based on the
                                       common fatal cancer, according   could undergo a high-frequency   GLOBOCAN 2012 estimates a
       “We are doing genetic tests     to the latest data from the Health   sound waves procedure which   substantive increase to 19.3 million
       on patients to determine their   Ministry.                       targets tumors directly.        new cancer cases per year by                                                                                                                            ULTRASONIC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                WATER BATH
       cancer’s characteristics and                                                                     2025, due to an increased global
       looking at whether it is suitable   The struggle against this illness   Lüleci said patients were often   population which is living longer on           O.S.B. Öz Ankara Sanayi
       for smart medicines. If it is, their   is, for many people, a battle to   unaware of the disease because   average.                                      Sitesi  1464 (675).
       life expectancy [can be] doubled,”   maintain hope in the fact of a   prostate cancer has relatively   More than half of all cancers                     S. No. 37 Yenimahalle-             We send our                  
       Sezgin said.                    chilling diagnosis.              few symptoms but a minute-long   (56.8%) and cancer deaths                              ANKARA  /  TURKEY
                                                                        examination could detect the illness   (64.9%) in 2012 occurred in less-                P : +90 312 395 66 13            products around                          +90 312 395 66 13
       “This has led to improved       According to the Health Ministry,   easily.                      developed regions of the world, and                     F : +90 312 395 66 93                the world
       molecular drugs - so-called smart   one male cancer patient out of five                          these proportions could increase              
       medicines. In our country, smart   suffers from lung cancer. Overall,   “People should have a check-up   further by 2025, GLOBOCAN 2012
       medicines have been used for    Turkey largely fits in with the global   between 45-50 years of age if there   data suggested.
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