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 Aziz Sancar receives   is vital to DNA subjected to UV   two others: Tomas Lindahl of the
 Francis Crick Institute and Clare Hall
 damage. When this repair system is
 defective, people exposed to sunlight
 Laboratory in Great Britain, and Paul
 2015 Nobel Prize in   develop skin cancer. Also, Sancar   Modrich of Duke University School
 showed that other substances can
 of Medicine and the Howard Hughes
 Medical Institute.
 damage the nucleotide excision
 Chemistry  repair system. His work provides the   William L. Roper, MD, MPH, dean
 crucial basic knowledge necessary
 to develop better treatments that   of the UNC School of Medicine,
 “My wife picked up the phone and   protect against DNA damage, which   said, “It’s a tremendous honor for
 told me the person on the line said   can result in cancer.  Dr. Sancar, this recognition of his
 this is very important,” Sancar said.   amazing scientific accomplishment.
 “So I took the phone and they told   In addition, Sancar and his   And it’s a special day for us as a
 me I won the Nobel Prize. I was   colleagues discovered how the   university because this is the second
 very surprised. I had been sleeping;   common cancer drug cisplatin and   Nobel Prize awarded to a faculty
 this was 5 a.m. So I was pretty   others like it damage the DNA of   member of UNC and the School of
 incoherent. But I thanked them and   cancer cells. This finding has led to   Medicine.
 said, ‘It’s an incredible honor.’”  further research to figure out how to   In 2007, Oliver Smithies, PhD,
 better target and kill cancer cells.  Weatherspoon Eminent Distinguished
 Sancar, who is from Turkey and has   “This award means a great deal to   Professor of Pathology and
 been a professor at UNC since 1982,   me and my lab,” said Sancar, who   Laboratory Medicine, won the Nobel
 earned the award for his work on   is a member of the UNC Lineberger   Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
 mapping the cellular mechanisms   Comprehensive Cancer Center.   “It’s worthy of note that today we
 that underlie DNA repair, which   “We’ve been working hard for   share this with colleagues at Duke,”
 occurs every single minute of the   many years and I think we’ve made   Roper said. “This is a great day for
 day in response to damage caused   significant contributions to our field.   science in the world and science
 by outside forces, such as ultraviolet   It’s been a great team effort.”  in the Triangle region of North
 radiation and other environmental   Sancar’s work dates back to 1974,   Carolina.”
 factors. In particular, Sancar mapped   when he was a graduate student at
 nucleotide excision repair, which   the University of Texas. The most   Norman Sharpless, MD, director
 Aziz Sancar, MD, PhD,   recent work to come out of his lab   of UNC Lineberger and Wellcome
 was accomplished earlier this year
 the Sarah Graham Kenan   Distinguished Professor in Cancer
 No: 1  Professor of Biochemistry   when his team created a DNA repair   Research, added, “This is a well-
 March  map of the entire human genome.  deserved honor. Aziz has studied the
 2016  and Biophysics at the UNC   “With this map, we can now say to   fundamental biochemistry of DNA
 ISSN: 2148-953X
 School of Medicine has   a fellow scientist, ‘tell us the gene   repair at UNC for over 30 years, and
 The owner and responsible   been awarded the 2015   you’re interested in or any spot on   his work has greatly enhanced our
 in-Chief  the genome, and we’ll tell you how it   understanding of the basic biology of
 Süleyman GÜLER  Nobel Prize for Chemistry
 for his groundbreaking   is repaired,’” Sancar said. “Out of six   cancer and aging. He is a true basic
 Editor   billion base pairs, pick out a spot and   scientist and has been a wonderful
 Taşkın EROĞLU  work in mapping DNA   we’ll tell you how it is repaired.”  friend, mentor, and colleague to
 Graphic Designer  1535 Labmedya_2  5/1/16  01:59 pm  Page 1  Sancar shares this award with   scientists across UNC.”

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 Tel: 0 312 397 16 17  Dubai 20 –
 Date of issue  23 March 2016
 March 2016 - Ankara
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