Page 6 - LabMedya English - 01
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       Giant laboratory for local


       He added that with molecular    an area of 20 thousand square
       biology, very important applications   meters.”
       were started in medicine; in both
       diagnosis and treatment areas. He   Öztürk stated that service units
       underlined that biotechnological   were founded in the centre to be
       medicines which were produced   used by researhcers from both
       by molecular biology technologies   state and private sector in Turkey
       compose 20% of world’s medicine   and added that: “I think this will be
       market.                         the first multidisciplinary centre in
                                       Turkey. Here molecular biologists,   Prof. Dr. Mehmet Öztürk, Director of Dokuz Eylul
       Öztürk stressed that one of their   doctors, pharmacists, engineers
       main targets was to produce     and people from very different       University (DEÜ) İzmir Biomedicine and Genom
       medicines which were not        occupations will come together and   Centre  (İBG-İzmir), made a statement to AA
       produced in Turkey and to develop   work to solve a problem using their   (Anatolian Agency) reporter and stated that
       new medicines.                  information and abilities.           they aimed to carry out innovative studes in the

       “A first in Turkey”             Now in modern medicine, it is not    centre which would combine molecular biology,
       “For the first time in Turkey,   enough to have a single discipline;   genetic and medical sciences and would make a
       a research centre with a huge   coming together of specialists       breakthrough.
       capacity is being founded by    from different areas creates an
       spending 150 million Turkish    unbelievable synergy.            Öztürk told that studies on cell   or two months, and added that
       Liras. Total area of laboratories                                treatments had began one year   there was no other centre in this
       in the centre is more than two   People having different speciality
       football pitches. Normally, research   areas will carry out projects which   ago in the Centre and it was   size in the large area between the
       centres in Turkey has 500 square   cannot be realized or will take years   being planned to start studies on   east of Vienna and India.
       meters area, but here we talk about   to be realized instead.”   biotechnological medicines in one

       Smokers                                                          professor at Ankara University,   these medicines only with the
                                                                                                        authorization of the Health Ministry.
                                                                        also criticized the change.
                                                                                                        Until now, this system functioned
       in Turkey           to not                                       “One-sided and arbitrary changes   successfully, but now the SGK
                                                                                                        is imposing tighter rules on the
                                                                        in the provisions of general health
       receive free cancer medicine                                             insurance are unlawful.   system by not accepting the
                                                                                A person cannot just be
                                                                                                        ministry’s allowances,” she added,
                                                                                                        suggesting that the reason for the
                                                                                left to die based on their
                                                                                mistakes or personal    regulation change was the SGK
                                                                                preferences. Many       trying to cut costs.
       Turkey’s social security        would take the regulation, which   diseases are caused by unhealthy
       body will not fund cancer       he said violates constitutionally   lifestyles. For example, this   “This regulation, which threatens
       treatment medicines             and internationally-protected health   regulation could lead to hospitals   the health of patients, should be
                                                                                                        amended urgently by the SGK and
                                       rights, to court.
                                                                        asking for patients to meet weight
       for patients diagnosed                                           criteria in order to fund medicines   the Health Ministry,” Saydan said.
       with lung cancer who            “The term ‘everyone’ is used in   for cardiovascular disease
       have ever had a smoking         Article 56 of our constitution.   patients,” Güngör said.        President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
       habit, according to a new       This assures everyone the right                                  is well-known for his anti-smoking
       regulation that went into       to health. This term should be   Turkish Employer Pharmacists    stance. Commenting on the recent
                                                                        Union (TEİS) head Nurten Saydan
                                                                                                        extension of smoking bans in
                                       regarded by law in terms of non-
       effect on Feb. 3.               discrimination and equality,”    said the new regulation was     public spaces, he told a group
                                       Canduran said.                   “unacceptable.”                 of around 250 former smokers
       The Social Security Institution’s                                                                that there could be “no freedom
       (SGK) new regulation requires   “Smoking cigarettes, which is    “For example, for someone who is   to commit suicide, no freedom
       people with lung cancer to pay for   a personal preference, is being   diagnosed with lung cancer on Feb.   to expose oneself to terminal
       their own treatment medicines if   punished by the state [with the   3, their treatment will be funded   diseases.”
       they have a smoking habit.      regulation],” he added.          only if they haven’t smoked before.
                                                                        This is unacceptable,” Saydan   “There can be no such freedom as
       The regulation has drawn        The Turkish Medical Association   said.                          the freedom to smoke … The state
       condemnation from legal bodies,   (TTB) said it could take the issue to                          must protect its citizens against
       health organizations and advocacy   the Constitutional Court through an   “Several life-sustaining medicines   tobacco, alcohol and drugs, just as
       groups.                         individual appeal.               that also cure other diseases   it is obliged to protect them against
       Ankara Bar Association head                                      are not included in the new SGK   crimes like theft and terrorism,”
       Hakan Canduran stated that they   Devrim Güngör, an associate law   prospectus. The SGK funds    Erdoğan said.
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