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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   of Marmara, which connects the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Greece to the west; Georgia to the
                                                                                                        Mobile Application                        Officially The                         Ankara is the capital of   countries: Bulgaria to the northwest;   The coastal areas bordering the Sea
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   northeast; Armenia, Iran and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Aegean Sea and the Black Sea.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Republic of Turkey ‘s
                                                                                                        As LabMedya, we have made our                                                    founder Mustafa Kemal     Azerbaijani exclave of Nakhchivan   These areas have a steppe climate
                                                                                                        way into Mobile Application and           Republic of                            Ataturk The Republic of   to the east; and Iraq and Syria to the   with hot, dry summers, cold winters
                                                                                                                                                                                         Turkey Language is Turkish.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   in Central Turkey.
          Why                                                                                           Tablet Publication by following the                                              Turkey is a contiguous    Turkey’s nickname is the land of   Turkey has seven regions.
                                                                                                        developing technologies. In tablets
                                                                                                                                                                                         transcontinental country,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   four seasons. From the temperate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Turkey is divided into seven census
                                                                                                        or smart phones, LabMedya can
          Labmedya                                                                                      be read more interactively and in a       Turkey; Türkiye,  Asia with Europe.                              climate of the Black Turkey’s weather   regions: Marmara, Aegean, Black Sea,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Central Anatolia, Eastern Anatolia,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   systems are geographically diverse.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Turkish is a Turkic language
                                                                                                        more detailed way. Also we make
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Southeastern Anatolia and the
                                                                                                                                                                                         spoken in Turkey, with about
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The coastal areas bordering the Black
          Magazine ?                                                                                    your advertisement or product                                                    75 million people.        Sea have a temperate Ocean climate.  Mediterranean.
                                                                                                        presentation to users downloading
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Turkey’s population was 74,7 million
                                                                                                                                                                                         Turkey has eight neighboring
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The coastal areas of Turkey
                                                                                                        the application through push
                                                                                                        notifications which means instant                                                countries. Turkey is      bordering the Aegean Sea and the   people in 2012.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Mediterranean Sea have a temperate
                                                                                                                                                                                                  bordered by eight
                                       Inserts, Printing and            E-Marketing                     messages.                                                                                                  Mediterranean climate.
       We would like to summarize to                                                                    Through your mobile application,
       you the first and only publication in   Distribution             LabMedya sends mails on behalf   you can promote your special
       your sector.                                                     of you. Whatever you wish,      activities, special product groups,
       LabMedya, as can be understood   Up the 4 pages of insert, in size   such as your own advertisement   campaigns, news etc to users via
       from its name, is a publication   of 19x27 cm which is special to   performance, design, product   push notifications.
       which has been serving as a media   our company are published and   presentation etc are sent to our   Also you can attach video or link
       channel in laboratory sector for   distributed together with LabMedya   own data with your name and mail   to your hard copy advertisement
       approximately 5 years and which   magazine with very convenient   address. thus, the person receiving   in the application. For example, the
       is followed with a huge interest   costs so your brochure will be   the mail assumes that the mail   user examining your advertisement
       and curiosity. It has become a   reached up to 10.000 people.    comes directly from you. When   can see the product presentation
       publication each issue of which is   You can see some sample inserts   they want to reply, you receive the   video. you can make them order
       looked forward to as its contents   below.                       mail directly in your own inbox.  or examine the product in a more
       cover completely independent, free   Online Medya                Posting amount changes          detailed way by directing them to
       and sectoral issues. It is published                             depending on the time you require.   your web site.
       between 10.000 and 13.000 issues   LabMedya is sent to approximately   They are sent approximately to
       every two months in glossy and   30.000 people in the format     25.000-30.000 people.                                                     Istanbul’s Maltepe University students                                                           In human psychology, the tendency
       each page being colored. Our    you see at the side via e-mail in   After the post, a posting report like  Web portal                                                                                                                       toward violence is a direct result
       publication is mailed to the name of   addition to hard copies. The person   you see at the side is sent to you.   LabMedya web site appears at                                                                                             of the functionality of a part of
       the person directly by mail as a free   receiving the e-mail can click, open   In this report, you can see number   the top in many searches with its   blend art with medicine to treat                                                    the human brain known as the
       of charges.                     and read LabMedya in PDF. Some   of posts, number of people opening   satisfactory content. Thus, it has a                                                                                                  homongolos - or “Little Man” -
       In addition, our publication can   of our readers especially request   your mail and click through rate.  good hit rate.                                                                                                                    which is located on the cortex of
       be read online and interactively   only e-mails. Thus they can read   If you wish, the data you created   Also, as all issues of LabMedya are   behavioral disorders                                                                        the brain and affects both motor
       through our web page and mobile   LabMedya via computer. Through   are added on our post list and   loaded in our web site, our users                                                                                                       functions and emotion in human
       application. Also soft copies are   this post, logos of advertising   sent. No charge is required for   can download and read old issues                                                                                                    beings. The students of the Maltepe
       sent via e-mail to approximately   companies are presented for free.  the data you add up to 5.000.   from our web site.                                                                                                                    University Faculty of Medicine
       30.000 people in the sector which   While making this post, you can   As our posting system works in   There are 3 different advertisement                                                                                                  studied the relationship between
       are in our mail bank.           advertise in marked area at the   sense of counters, a moderate fee   areas in our web site. You can give                                                                                                   how these urges are reflected
       To sum up, the number of people   side. the advertisements you make   is demanded for additions over   your advertisement in areas marked     A group of medical school students have                                                       physically and the behaviors
       which we reach is over 40.000 in   in this area are added for free in the   5.000.               with yellow below:                           opened a sculpture exhibition focusing                                                        that dominate the human mind,
       total.                          areas of occasion products in our                                                                             on ‘homongolos’ or ‘Little Man,’ which is                                                     causing people to be insensitive
       LabMedya, which is also popular in   web site and the person can see                                                                          located in the cortex of the brain and affects                                                and, as a result, this “Little
       social media is followed more and   your product on our web site.                                                                                                                                                                           Man.” These medical students
       more every day. In our Facebook                                                                                                               both motor functions and emotions                                                             enter their workshop and create
       page, current news about sector,                                                                                                                                                                                                            “Homongolos;” delving deeper into
       science, health and technology are                                                                                                                                                                                                          studies and observations regarding
       posted nearly every day and attract                                                                                                                                                                                                         the social behaviors evident in
       huge attention.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             modern Turkey. The students serve
       Our vision is to become a                                                                                                                  With an increasing number of                                                                     as a warning to people against
       publication which will attract                                                                                                             stories circulating in newspapers                                                                violence by introducing them to the
       attention of people, which will be                                                                                                         regarding acts of violence and                                                                   phenomenon of the “Little Man,”
       read and each issue of which will                                                                                                          homicide, society is being deeply                                                                while raising awareness of the
       be looked forward to in all terms.                                                                                                         affected. Now, in a course on                                                                    problem in society. To stop the
       In this context, our content and                                                                                                           interdisciplinary art, students from                                                             increase of violent acts in Turkey,
       design are prepared in a way to                                                                                                            the Maltepe University Faculty   in Turkey, the students educate   medicine and art. According to   students educate their audience
       attract people’s attention and not                                                                                                         of Medicine are focused on      their audiences about the meaning   Kasırga and Özen, medical doctors   about the meaning of Homongolos
       to bore people. Our aim is to reach                                                                                                                                        of homongolos and how they       can utilize art as a supportive tool   and how they occupy our brains
       every laboratory and everybody                                                                                                             discovering the root causes for   occupy our brains through the   in the medical treatment of patients   through the artistic sculptures they
                                                                                                                                                  this disturbing trend and how it is
       related with laboratory sector in                                                                                                                                          sculptures they produce.         with chronic behavioral disorders.   produce. Young medical doctors
       Turkey and Turkish Republics.                                                                                                              manifesting itself in society.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Özen said, “We hope that this   who have conducted research on
                                                                                                                                                  The students created sculptures   Two assistant professors from the   exhibition will challenge those who   the causes of these violent acts in
       Labmedya, participate in many                                                                                                              which serve as a mirror into their   university’s Faculty of Medicine   live in a state of unconsciousness   society want to show members of
       exhibitions at home and abroad,                                                                                                            findings, to be displayed from   and Faculty of Fine Arts; Uğur   and try to turn society into a sort   society that the concept of violence
       and is followed.
                                                                                                                                                  March 1 to April 1 at the Marmara   Baran Kasırga and Mehmet Özen,   of machine to use their minds and   is “just in our heads;” emphasizing
                                                                                                                                                  Eğitim Köyü Cultural Center.    respectively, are offering classes   start a new trend.”         instead the therapeutic effect of art
                                                                                                                                                  To stop the increase of violent acts   which combine the fields of                               on the human brain.
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