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        14                                                                                HEALTH AND LABORATORY MAGAZINE


         PLANT 180 KM LONG

        A single plant expanded to

        stretch 180 km. This makes it the
        world’s largest known plant.

        Somehow this single      to show that 200 km² (77   There is also a lot of light   not appear to reproduce   cope?
        seedling grew to cover an   miles²) of ribbon weed   in the waters of Shark Bay,   sexually – which would
        area of 200 km (77 miles ),   meadows expanded from   as well as low levels of nu-  normally be the best way   Researchers hypothe-
        stretching through waters   a single, colonizing seed-  trients and large temper-  to adapt to changing con-  size that this plant has a
        that are quite different in   ling.               ature fluctuations. Despite   ditions.            small number of somatic
        temperature and salini-                           this hostile environment,                         mutations (minor genet-
        ty. Based on its size and   HOW DID IT EVOLVE?    the plant has been able to   Scientists have observed   ic changes that are not
        growth rate, the research-                        thrive and adapt.        seagrass flowers in the   passed on to offspring)
        ers estimate that it is 4,500   What makes this seagrass                   Shark Bay meadows, which   across its 180 km (112
        years old.               plant unique from others,   It is challenging to deter-  indicates the seagrass are   mile) range that help it per-
                                 other than its enormous   mine the exact age of a   sexually active, but their   sist under local conditions.
        These underwater sea-    size, is that it has twice as   seagrass meadow, but sci-  fruits (the outcome of suc-
        grass meadows grow       many chromosomes as      entists estimate the Shark   cessful seagrass sex) are   However, this is just a
        in two ways: by sexual   its relatives. This makes   Bay plant is around 4,500   rarely seen.       hunch and researchers are
        reproduction, which helps   it what scientists call a   years old, based on its size                tackling this hypothesis ex-
        them generate new gene   “polyploid.”             and growth rate.         Researchers’ single plant   perimentally. They have set
        combinations and genetic                                                   may in fact be sterile. This   up a series of experiments
        diversity, and also by ex-  Most of the time, a sea-  Other huge plants have   makes its success in the   in Shark Bay to really
        tending their rhizomes, the   grass seedling will inherit   been reported in both   variable waters of Shark   understand how the plant
        underground stems from   half the genome of each   marine and land systems,   Bay quite a conundrum:   survives and thrives under
        which roots and shoots   of its parents. Polyploids,   such as a 6,000-tonne   plants that don’t have sex   such variable conditions.
        emerge.                  however, carry the entire   quaking aspen in Utah, but   tend to also have low levels
                                 genome of each of their   this seagrass appears to   of genetic diversity, which   THE FUTURE OF
        To find out how many     parents.                 be the largest to date.  should reduce their ability   SEAGRASS
        different individual plants                                                to deal with changing envi-
        are growing in a seagrass   There are many poly-  Other huge seagrass      ronments.                Seagrasses protect the
        meadow, you have to test   ploid plant species, such   plants have also been                        coasts from storm dam-
        their DNA. Researchers did   as potatoes, canola, and   found, including a closely   However, scientists suspect   age, store large amounts
        this for meadows of ribbon   bananas. In nature, they   related Mediterranean   that their seagrass in Shark   of carbon, and provide a
        weed seagrass called     often reside in places with   seagrass called Posidonia   Bay has genes that are   habitat for a great diversity
        Posidonia australis in the   extreme environmental   oceanica, which cov-  extremely well-suited to its   of wildlife. Conserving and
        shallow sun-drenched     conditions.              ers more than 15 km (9   local, but variable environ-  also restoring seagrass
        waters of the Shark Bay                           miles) and may be around   ment, and perhaps that   meadows has a vital role in
        World Heritage Area, in   Polyploids are often sterile,   100.000 years old.  is why it does not need to   climate change mitigation
        Western Australia.       but can continue to grow                          have sex to be successful.  and adaptation.
                                 indefinitely if left undis-  WHY DOES THIS
        The result shocked the   turbed. This seagrass has   MATTER?               Even without success-    Seagrasses are not im-
        researchers: it was all one   done just that.                              ful flowering and seed   mune from climate change
        plant. One single plant has                       In the summer of 2010–11,   production, the giant plant   impacts: warming temper-
        expanded over a stretch of   HOW OLD IS THIS      a severe heatwave hit land   appears to be very resil-  atures, ocean acidification,
        180 km (112 miles) making   PLANT?                and sea ecosystems along   ient. It experiences a wide   and extreme weather
        it the largest known plant                        the Western Australian   range of water tempera-  events are significant chal-
        on Earth.                The sandy dunes of Shark   coastline.             tures (from 17ºC/63ºF to   lenges for them.
                                 Bay flooded some 8,500                            30ºC/86ºF in some years)
        Scientists collected shoot   years ago, when the sea   Shark Bay’s seagrass   and salt levels.      However, the detailed
        samples from ten seagrass   level rose after the last ice   meadows suffered wide-                  picture we now have of
        meadows from across      age. Over the following   spread damage in the    Despite these variable   the great resilience of the
        Shark Bay, in waters where   millennia, the expanding   heatwave. Yet the ribbon   conditions and the high   giant seagrass of Shark
        the salt levels range from   seagrass meadows made   weed meadows have     light levels (which are typi-  Bay provides us with the
        normal ocean salinity to   shallow coastal banks and   started to recover.  cally stressful for seagrass),   hope they will be around
        almost twice as salty. In   sills through creating and                     the plant can maintain its   for many years to come,
        all samples, they studied   capturing sediment, which   This is somewhat surpris-  physiological processes   especially if serious action
        18.000 genetic markers   made the water saltier.  ing, as this seagrass does   and thrive. So how does it   is taken on climate change.
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