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        YOUR DAILY DOSE OF SCIENCE                                                                                             13

        logistics: Carey couldn’t   potentially feeds toxic algal
        send someone to collect   blooms, harms freshwater   oxygen to break them   have to do everything   of the carbon, nitrogen,
        data every single day for   wildlife, and compromises   down.              we can to protect lakes   and phosphorus sink in
        seven summers.           reservoirs as drinking water                      from receiving even more   freshwater” 25 May 202,
                                 sources – but the nutrients   Knowing the severity of   phosphorus, fertilizers, and   Global Change Biology.
        So the team fed the data   moved downstream, Carey   this impact should move   sediments,” she said. “I’m
        it had collected into a   explained. Herein lies the   us to act on land use,   hoping we can light a fire   DOI: 10.1111/gcb.16228
        model Carey describes    vicious cycle of anoxia   Carey believes. “Our study   with folks. These processes
        as a “video game of a    begetting anoxia: As more   reveals this mechanism   are happening that we
        lake,” which simulated   nutrients reach other lakes,   by which upstream lakes   didn’t even know about.”
        those important but tricky   rivers, and streams, each   are harming downstream
        interactions. “Underlying   waterbody’s microbes will   lakes, and if this is going on   Reference: “Anoxia
        the video game were      consume more and more    broadly, then we basically   decreases the magnitude
        a bunch of equations
        we could manipulate
        to understand which
        processes were most                                                    WE'D LIKE TO BE YOUR
        important when the
        reservoir had low versus                                               SOLUTION PARTNER FOR
        high oxygen levels,” she                                               THE HEATING PROCESSES
                                                                               IN YOUR LABORATORY.
        The model also enabled
        the team to get data                                                   Protherm is with you to offer solutions
        every hour. “That allowed                                              for your special heat treatment
        us to be able to really                                                requirements and analyses.
        understand how quickly the
        lake responded to changes
        in oxygen,” Carey said.


        The researchers observed
        huge changes to the
        concentrations of nutrients
        released from bottom
        waters with anoxia,
        including a six-fold increase                           >Atmosphere Controlled furnaces up to 2.000°C
        in nitrogen export. Over                                  >Ovens up to 650°C
        time, the lake went from                                    > High Temperature Furnaces up to 1.800°C
                                                                     >High Temperature Tube Furnaces up to 1.800°C
        a net sink of phosphorus                                       >Split Furnaces and CVD systems up to 1.500°C
        and carbon to a net                                              >Rotary Furnaces up to 1.600°C
        source of both nutrients to                                       >Vacuum Furnaces up to 1.500°C and 10-3 Torr
                                                                            >And more…
        downstream water bodies.

        “What we saw was that the
        lake was unable to do its
        important job of serving
        as this sink of carbon,
        nitrogen, and phosphorus,
        as it would have done if
        there was oxygen there,”
        Carey said. “The changes
        were really remarkable for
        all three of the elements
        individually, but we saw
        that in aggregate, the
        lake’s ability to serve
        as this sink was really               RTR Series           PLF Series         PVAC Series      ACF Series 2.000°C
        changing.”                         Rotary Furnaces     Chamber Furnaces     Vacuum Furnaces   Atmosphere Controlled
        All of that carbon, nitrogen,
        and phosphorus, once
        buried at the bottom, was                              Ergazi Mah. 1695. Cad.   t: +90 312 257 13 31
        not only released up into                              1819. Sok. No:5       f: +90 312 257 13 35
        the water column — which                               Batıkent 06370 Ankara
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