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        12                                                                                HEALTH AND LABORATORY MAGAZINE




                                   Researchers recently confirmed that the
                                   world’s lakes are rapidly losing oxygen.
                                   What does it mean for water quality that
                                   oxygen is declining globally?

        Scientists have recently   associate professor of   by freshwater microbes   what I originally predicted.”  oxygen levels in bottom
        confirmed that the world’s   biological sciences at the   gobbles up oxygen.                        waters, thus disentangling
        lakes are rapidly losing   Virginia Tech College of                        FUSING FRESHWATER        the effects from those of
        oxygen. With a seven-year,   Science and an affiliated   In a seven-year field   AND DATA SCIENCE   changing temperature, is
        whole-ecosystem study,   scientist with the Fralin Life   experiment that                           crucial to understanding
        a team of freshwater     Sciences Institute. “Lakes   manipulated oxygen levels   Making those discoveries   anoxia’s impact, said Carey,
        scientists at Virginia Tech   do this really great job of   in the bottom waters   relied on the team’s   a Roger Moore and Mojdeh
        has been one of the first   receiving and processing   of a nearby reservoir,   design of an experiment   Khatam-Moore Faculty
        to take the next step    all of this carbon,      Carey’s team found that   that was novel in a few   Fellow in the College of
        in asking: What does it   nitrogen, and phosphorus,   with anoxic conditions   ways. It had to be done at   Science. “By manipulating
        mean for water quality   preventing them from     came effects they had    whole-ecosystem scale,   oxygen without altering
        that oxygen is declining   going downstream and   expected: the sediments   conducted not just with   temperature, we can
        globally?                reaching the ocean.”     release a lot of nutrients   samples tested in a lab   understand and isolate
                                                          and carbon. But they     or in small enclosures of a   what its effects will be. We
        Sticky with sediment,    But that work could be   weren’t as prepared for   lake’s bottom waters, but   can truly say that what
        the bottom waters of     dismantled by anoxia, the   the extent of the changes.   with access to the whole   we’re seeing is a result of a
        lakes are more than      loss of oxygen availability.   They observed the lake   body of water. Carey’s   changing oxygen and not
        their deepest, darkest   Dreaded by scientists    going from a sink — which   team did field experiment   due to other extraneous
        layer. They bury massive   for years and recently   retains more nutrients and   in the Falling Creek   factors happening in the
        portions of the carbon,   confirmed as widespread   carbon than it exports —   Reservoir in Vinton, Virginia,   lake.”
        nitrogen, and phosphorus   by data from hundreds of   to a source of nutrients   where team members
        found in runoff rolling in   lakes, anoxia is sucking   downstream, starting a   manipulated oxygen levels   But analyzing anoxia’s
        from the land. As one of   oxygen from the world’s   cycle in which anoxia in one   in the lake’s bottom waters   effects doesn’t stop at
        nature’s critical nutrient   fresh waters.        lake could beget anoxia in   using an engineered   upping or lowering oxygen
        sinks, lakes earn their                           another.                 oxygenation system that   levels and monitoring
        reputation as “sentinels”   It’s a phenomenon linked                       could withdraw water from   water chemistry. With a
        of their surroundings,   to the warming of waters   “I had no expectation that   the bottom, inject dissolved   field experiment, there’s
        said freshwater scientist   brought on by climate   there would be this much   oxygen into it at super-  always data you need but
        Cayelan Carey.           change and to excess     change in water chemistry,”   saturated concentrations   can’t collect, Carey said.
                                 pollutant runoff from land   Carey said. “And to see it   onshore, and return the   It’s difficult to sample and
        “We think of lakes as    use. Warming waters      consistently and to see it   oxygenated water to the   measure “those nitty-
        sentinels because they   diminish fresh water’s   over the seven years of   bottom without altering   gritty sediment-water
        truly integrate all of the   capacity to hold oxygen,   the study — the effect of   water temperature.  interactions” without
        changes that happen      while the breakdown of   anoxia was multiple orders                        disturbing them in the field.
        on land,” said Carey, an   nutrients in the runoff   of magnitude greater than   Manipulating only the   There’s also the issue of
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