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        YOUR DAILY DOSE OF SCIENCE                                                                                              11

                                 diagnosis and treatment in
                                 utero,” Kim said.

                                 Philpot and his lab now
                                 plan to explore the effec-
                                 tiveness of their strategy
                                 when applied to Pitt-Hop-
                                 kins mice at later stages
                                 of life. They also plan to
                                 develop an experimental
                                 gene therapy in which the                            SMARTWATCH
                                 human TCF4 gene itself
                                 will be delivered by a virus                         FOR PLANTS
                                 into a Pitt-Hopkins mouse
                                 model – a therapy that ul-
                                 timately could be tested in
                                 children with Pitt-Hopkins
                                 syndrome.                                           New ‘smartwatch for plants’

                                 “We’ll be working on a gene                         monitors water content in
                                 therapy, but our results                            leaves and pings the owner
                                 here suggest that there
                                 are other TCF4-restoring
                                 approaches that could       Sometimes it can be     plant pots’. Previously,   allowed more of the tape
        after the mice were born.   work, including treatments   difficult to track whether   researchers had devel-  to connect with the leaf
        Analyses of the brains   that boost the activity of   a plant has had too much   oped metal electrodes to   surface.
        showed this restoration   the remaining, good TCF4   or too little water. Visual   monitor water content in
        of activity over the next   copy,” Philpot said.     signs, such as shrivel-  leaves, but the electrodes   Next, the experts created
        several weeks.                                       ling or browning leaves,   had problems staying at-  a plant-wearable device
                                 The research was support-   don’t start until most of   tached, which reduced the   with the metal electrodes
        Even though the treat-   ed by the Ann D. Bornstein   the plant’s water is gone,   accuracy of the data.  and attached it to a living
        ed mice had moderately   Grant from the Pitt-Hop-    while yellowing takes                           plant in a greenhouse. The
        smaller brains and bodies   kins Research Foundation,   place after it has been   Researchers from the   device wirelessly shared
        compared to normal mice,   the National Institute of   drenched. To address this   Brazilian Nanotechnology   data to a smartphone
        they did not develop many   Neurological Disorders and   tricky dilemma, scien-  National Laboratory, led   app and website, which
        of the abnormal behav-   Stroke (R01NS114086), the   tists have created a new   by Renato Lima, wanted   revealed the percentage
        iors seen in untreated   Estonian Research Council,   ‘smartwatch for plants’,   to identify an electrode   of water content lost.
        Pitt-Hopkins model mice.   and the Orphan Disease    which monitors the water   design that was reliable
        The exception was innate   Center at the Perelman    content in leaves and   for long-term monitoring   The researchers say that
        nest-building behavior, in   School of Medicine at the   pings the owner when the   of plants’ water stress,   monitoring water content
        which the treated mice   University of Pennsylva-    plant is in need of a drink.  while also staying put.   on leaves can even indi-
        seemed abnormal at first,   nia (MDBR-21-105-Pitt                            They created two types   rectly provide information
        although their abilities were   Hopkins).            In a similar way to how   of electrodes: one made   on exposure to pests and
        restored to normal within a                          smartwatches track the   of nickel deposited in a   toxic agents. Because the
        few weeks.               Reference: “Rescue of       electrical activity of a   narrow, squiggly pattern,   plant-wearable device
                                 behavioral and electro-     wearer’s heart through   and the other cut from   provides reliable data
        The treatment at least   physiological phenotypes    electrodes that sit against   partially burnt paper that   indoors, they now plan
        partly reversed two other   in a Pitt-Hopkins syndrome   the skin, the wearable   was coated with a waxy   to test the devices in
        abnormalities seen in un-  mouse model by genetic    plant sensor can be     film.                   outdoor gardens and on
        treated mice: altered levels   restoration of Tcf4 expres-  attached to leaves. It then              crops to determine when
        of the genes regulated by   sion” by Hyojin Kim, Eric B   wirelessly transmits data   When the team affixed   plants need to be wa-
        TCF4 and altered pat-    Gao, Adam Draper, Noah      to a smartphone app, al-  both electrodes to de-  tered, potentially saving
        terns of neuronal activity   C Berens, Hanna Vihma,   lowing the owner to keep   tached soybean leaves   resources and increasing
        as measured in electro-  Xinyuan Zhang, Alexandra    tabs on hydration levels.  with clear adhesive tape,   yields.
        encephalograph (EEG)     Higashi-Howard, Kimberly                            the nickel-based elec-
        recordings.              D Ritola, Jeremy M Simon,   The new ‘wearable sensor’   trodes performed better,   Reference: Biocompatible
                                 Andrew J Kennedy and        for plant leaves is the lat-  producing larger signals   Wearable Electrodes on
        “These findings offer hope   Benjamin D Philpot, 10   est in a string of gadgets   as the leaves dried out.   Leaves toward the On-
        that a future gene thera-  May 2022, eLife.          that claim to help gar-  The metal ones also    Site Monitoring of Water
        py will provide significant                          deners monitor the health   adhered more strongly   Loss from Plants
        benefits to individuals with   DOI: 10.7554/eLife.72290  their plants, which also   in the wind, which the re-
        Pitt-Hopkins syndrome                                include smartphone-con-  searchers said was likely   https://pubs.acs.
        even when delivered                                  nected soil sensors and   because the thin squiggly   org/doi/10.1021/
        postnatally; it won’t require                        ‘smart’ self-watering   design of the metallic film   acsami.2c02943
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