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The venerable elders of a forest are
hugely important to the diversity,
fitness, and survival of the woodland
as a whole. They also bring with them
a hardiness and experience in dealing
with change, as well as a lifetime of
ecological interactions preserved in
their immediate surrounds.
Scientists used models mographic patterns that
extrapolated from several emerge from old-growth
previous studies to assess forests over thousands
how many trees typically of years, and a very small
make it beyond the normal proportion of trees emerge
boundaries of tree old age, as life-history ‘lottery
and to analyze the sorts of winners’ that reach far
effects these ancient trees higher ages that bridge
had on the rest of the flora environmental cycles that
around them. span centuries,” says bot- genetic and biological and ancient trees, we lose long history of respecting
anist Chuck Cannon from diversity. However they the genetic and physiolog- and even revering ancient
A very small number of the Morton Arboretum in also provide shelter for ical legacy that they con- trees – and the authors
trees – less than 1 percent Illinois. endangered species and tain forever, as well as the behind this latest study say
of a population – achieve are better at soaking up unique habitat for nature that we need to bring back
ancient status, sometimes “In our models, these rare, carbon than younger trees, conservation.” some of that concern for
growing as many as 10 ancient trees prove to be the researchers found. the most elderly members
or 20 times longer than vital to a forest’s long- Ancient trees, by their very of forests, to ensure their
the average for the forest term adaptive capacity, These old and ancient nature, can’t be quickly survival for the future.
overall, the study shows. substantially broadening trees are now under severe replaced. The only way to
the temporal span of the threat though – not just ensure we still have them “This study recalls the
These incredible outliers of population’s overall genet- through climate change, is to protect mature trees urgent need for a glob-
the tree world can achieve ic diversity.” but through worldwide de- as they continue to grow al strategy to conserve
such grand old ages forestation, meaning that – and that means curb- biodiversity, not only by
among species that don’t In other words, these trees of extraordinary age ing the effects of climate preserving intact forests,
have set lifespans like us. old-timers have seen are becoming less com- change and deforestation. but in particular the small
Year after year, thanks to it all – and that experi- mon, with mortality rates remnant of a few ancient
their genes, they weather ence written into the tree for trees rising across all The researchers liken the trees that have survived
whatever life throws at genetics is something that kinds of woodland. killing off of ancient trees in managed forest land-
them, until one day their rubs off on the rest of the as being similar to killing off scapes,” says ecologist
luck runs out. forest and younger trees “As the climate changes, it animal species, in that once Gianluca Piovesan from
as new seeds are planted. is likely that mortality rates they’re gone they’re not Tuscia University in Italy.
Yet the longer these rare In some cases, thousands in trees will increase, and coming back. Even trees
gems live, the greater the of years of experience can it will become increasingly that eventually grow to be The research has been
chance they might pass on be passed on. difficult for ancient trees as old won’t have the same published in Nature Plants.
these golden genes to a to emerge in forests,” says evolutionary history written
new generation. Trees that have stood Cannon. into them.
the test of time aren’t just
“We examined the de- important because of their “Once you cut down old As humans we have a