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        8                                                                                 HEALTH AND LABORATORY MAGAZINE

                                 CORAL REEFS WILL

                                 DISAPPEAR IN 10 YEARS

        Coral reefs have long been regarded
        as one of the earliest and most

        significant ecological casualties of
        global warming.

        In new research pub-     differences between coral   a long time and can be   meant corals had enough   intolerable heat stress
        lished in the journal PLOS   reefs one kilometer apart,   hampered by pollution and   time to recover in between   regularly. Most reefs have
        Climate, the future of these   our team found that at   overfishing. Some species   bleaching events.  already experienced at
        tropical ecosystems –    1.5°C of warming, which   grow faster and are more                         least one such event this
        thought to harbor more   the world is predicted to   capable of recovering   With 1.5°C of global warm-  decade.
        species than any other –   reach in the early 2030s   quicker.             ing above pre-industrial
        situation is probably worse   without drastic action                       levels, only 0.2 percent   Not all regions are stressed
        than anticipated.        to limit greenhouse gas   Scientists hope that local   of these refugia remain.   at the same time as heat-
                                                          conditions on some reef
                                                                                                            waves are not global, nor
                                                                                   At 2°C of warming, safe
                                 emissions, 99 percent of
        Climate change is caus-  the world’s reefs will expe-  tracts will ensure suitable   havens from heat for coral   do all corals bleach. Some
        ing more frequent marine   rience heatwaves that are   temperatures for corals   reefs will no longer exist.  coral species are more
        heatwaves worldwide.     too frequent for them to   in the future, even when   Preliminary findings from   capable of coping with ex-
        Corals have adapted to   recover.                 surrounding areas warm.   another study (yet to   treme temperatures than
        live in a specific tempera-                       These conditions may be                           others due to their growth
        ture range, so when ocean   That would spell catastro-  possible due to upwelling,   complete the peer-review   form or the type of algae
        temperatures are too hot   phe for the thousands of   where cooler water is   process) would seem to   within their tissue.
        for a prolonged period,   species that depend on   brought to the surface,   confirm the catastrophic   Still, the magnitude and
                                                                                   effects of 1.5°C of global
        corals can bleach – losing   coral reefs, as well as the   or strong ocean cur-  warming on coral reefs.   frequency of heatwaves
        the colorful algae that   roughly one billion people   rents. Reef managers can
        live within their tissue and   whose livelihoods and food   prioritize these so-called   This research was car-  predicted in this study
        nourish them via photosyn-  supply benefits from coral   refugia, which offer corals a   ried out independently by   will probably affect even
        thesis – and may eventu-  reef biodiversity.      greater chance of survival.  scientists in the US using a   resistant coral species,
                                                                                   different method but the
                                                                                                            suggesting the world will
        ally die.
                                 THERMAL REFUGIA          Finding these refugia is   same climate models and   lose most of its reef biodi-
        Across the tropics, mass                          difficult, though, as they   spatial resolutions.  versity. Coral reefs of the
        bleaching and die-offs   The thermal stress of a   are likely to be small and   THE FUTURE OF CORAL   future are likely to look very
        have gone from being rare   heatwave can affect corals   the resolution of climate   REEFS          different to the colorful and
                                 over a huge geographic
        to a somewhat regular oc-                         projections that model                            diverse ecosystems we
        currence as the climate has   area, like the entire north-  changes in ocean temper-  Global warming of 1.5°C is   know today.
        warmed. More frequent    ern Great Barrier Reef or   atures over time tend to be   the lower limit that world
        heatwaves mean that the   archipelagos like the Mal-  too coarse.          leaders aspired to maintain   Climate change is already
        time corals have to recover   dives. A marine heatwave   Our team increased the   when they signed the Paris   degrading coral reefs
                                 in 2015-16 caused wide-
                                                                                                            globally. Now we know
        is getting shorter.                                                        agreement in 2015. This
                                 spread bleaching in each   resolution of climate model                     that protecting the last
        In a 2018 report, the Inter-  of the Pacific, Atlantic, and   projections by downscaling   target is moving further out   remaining temperature
        governmental Panel on    Indian Oceans.           them with historical data   of reach.             refuges will not work on its
        Climate Change predicted   Corals are small polyp-like   from satellite observations   For coral reefs, there is   own. Slashing greenhouse
        that 1.5°C of global warm-                        to find out where refugia   no safe limit to global   gas emissions this decade
        ing would cause between   animals that form colonies   are likely to persist in the   warming. Given the rate at   is the best hope for saving
        70 and 90 percent of the   of thousands by secret-  future.                which the global average   what remains.
        world’s coral reefs to dis-  ing a calcium carbonate   We found that, from 1986   temperature is increasing,
                                 skeleton that builds a reef.
        appear.                                                                    marine heatwaves are like-
                                 Corals grow slowly, so their   to 2019, 84 percent of the
        Now, with models capable   recovery following bleach-  world’s reefs offered suffi-  ly to become so frequent
        of examining temperature   ing and die-offs can take   cient thermal refuge. This   that most of the world’s
                                                                                   coral reefs will experience
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