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        16                                                                                HEALTH AND LABORATORY MAGAZINE



        On Earth, our bodies create and destroy 2 million red blood cells every second,
        but astronauts are destroying 3 million red blood cells when they are onboard

        the International Space Station.

        In a new study, a team of   more red blood cells are                       turning to Earth.            mission, the worse the
        scientists from the Ottawa   destroyed, and this contin-  “But when landing on Earth                    anemia, which could
        Hospital Research Institute   ues for the entire duration   and potentially on other   Interestingly, they repeated   impact long missions
        and the University of Otta-  of the astronaut’s mission.”  planets or moons, anemia   the same measurements   to the Moon and Mars;
        wa found that astronauts                          affecting your energy, en-  one year after astronauts     ¸  Increased red blood
        were destroying 54% more   Before the new study,   durance, and strength can   returned to Earth, and   cell production will re-
        red blood cells during their   space anemia was thought   threaten mission objec-  found that red blood cell   quire an adapted diet
        6-month missions onboard   to be a quick adaptation   tives.”              destruction was still 30%    for astronauts;
        the International Space   to fluids shifting into the as-                  above preflight levels.      ¸  It’s unclear how long
        Station, or 3 million every   tronaut’s upper body when   “The effects of anemia are   These results suggest that   the body can maintain
        second.                  they first arrived in space.  only felt once you land,   structural changes may   this higher rate of de-
                                 Instead, the authors found   and must deal with gravity   have happened to the   struction and produc-
        “Space anemia has con-   that the red blood cell   again.”                 astronaut while they were    tion of red blood cells.
        sistently been reported   destruction was a primary                        in space that changed red
        when astronauts returned   effect of being in space, not   In the study, five out of 13   blood cell control for up to   According to the scientists,
        to Earth since the first   just caused by fluid shifts.  astronauts were clinically   a year after long-duration   their findings could also be
        space missions, but we   They demonstrated this   anemic when they landed   space missions.         applied to life on Earth.
        didn’t know why,” said   by directly measuring red   — one of the 14 astronauts   The discovery has several   “If we can find out exactly
        Professor Guy Trudel, a   blood cell destruction in 14   did not have blood drawn   implications:   what’s causing this anemia,
        rehabilitation physician   astronauts during their six-  on landing.                                then there is a potential to
        and researcher at the    month space missions.                                 ¸  It supports screening   treat it or prevent it, both
        Ottawa Hospital Research                          The researchers saw that     astronauts or space   for astronauts and for
        Institute and the University   “Thankfully, having fewer   space-related anemia was   tourists for existing   patients here on Earth,”
        of Ottawa.               red blood cells in space   reversible, with red blood   blood or health condi-  Professor Trudel said.
                                 isn’t a problem when your   cells levels progressively   tions that are affected
        “Our study shows that    body is weightless,” Profes-  returning to normal three   by anemia;
        upon arriving in space,   sor Trudel said.        to four months after re-     ¸  The longer the space
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