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        10                                                                                HEALTH AND LABORATORY MAGAZINE



        Researchers synthesized
        and crystallized a
        molecule that is

        otherwise too unstable
        to fully study in the


 MAGNETIC MATERIAL SYNTHESIZED  Researchers from Osaka   American Chemical   thick steel. Nanostructures   tion by steric protection—  “This is an electronic state

        University and Osaka City   Society, researchers from   of graphene have edges   bulking up the molecule—  that can serve as an exper-
        University synthesized and   Osaka University and   that exhibit magnetic and   and did so in a way that   imentally tractable model
        crystallized a molecule that   collaborating partners   electronic properties that   didn’t affect its underlying   for zigzag-edged nanog-
        is otherwise too unsta-  have synthesized a crys-  researchers would like to   properties.”         raphene.”
        ble to fully study in the   talline nanographene with   exploit. However, graphene
        laboratory, and is a model   magnetic properties that   nanosheets are difficult to   The researchers’ triangu-  These results have
        of a revolutionary class of   have been predicted the-  prepare and it’s difficult   lene derivative is stable   important applications.
        magnets.                 oretically since the 1950s,   to study their zigzag edge   at room temperature but   Researchers can extend
                                 but until now have been   properties. Overcoming   must be kept in an inert at-  the long-sought synthetic
        Since the first reported   unconfirmed experimental-  these challenges by using   mosphere because it slow-  procedure reported here
        production in 2004, re-  ly except at extremely low   a simpler, yet advanced,   ly degrades when exposed   to increase the number of
        searchers have been hard   temperatures.          model system known as tri-  to oxygen. Nevertheless,   carbon rings in the mole-
        at work using graphene                            angulene is something the   crystallization was possi-  cule and perform chemical
        and similar carbon-based   Graphene is a single layer,   researchers at Osaka Uni-  ble—which enabled confir-  syntheses of advanced
        materials to revolutionize   two-dimensional sheet of   versity aimed to address.  mation of its theoretically   forms of nanographene. In
        electronics, sports, and   carbon rings arranged in                        predicted properties, such   so doing, Osaka University
        many other disciplines.   a honeycomb lattice. Why   “Triangulene has long elud-  as localization of unpaired   and Osaka City University
        Now, researchers from    does graphene excite re-  ed synthesis in a crystalline   electrons on the zigzag   researchers may be able to
        Japan have made a dis-   searchers? Graphene has   form because of its uncon-  edges of the molecule.  synthesize materials that
        covery that will advance   impressive properties—it   trolled polymerization,” say   “By measuring its optical   are foundational for future
        the long-elusive field of   exhibits efficient, long-dis-  both Shinobu Arikawa and   and magnetic properties,   advanced electronics and
        nanographene magnets.    tance charge transport   Akihiro Shimizu, two key   we confirmed that our   magnets, and supplement
        In a study recently pub-  and has a much higher   authors of the study. “We   molecule is in the triplet   the silicon that’s ubiquitous
        lished in Journal of the   strength than similarly   prevented this polymeriza-  ground state,” explains   in modern electronics.
                                                                                   Ryo Shintani, senior author.

                                                                                   Structure and spin density distribution of triangulene. Credit: Shinobu
        Spin density distribution of triangulene and space-filling model and crystal structure of   Arikawa et al.
        triangulene derivatives. Credit: Shinobu Arikawa et al.
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