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       014                                                                                     HEALTH AND LABORATORY MAGAZINE

                                                          GIANT PARTNERSHIP FROM
         NEW DRUG IN                                      JANSSEN AND ABDİ İBRAHİM

                                                          PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY

         BOĞAZIÇI UNIVERSITY, COLLEGE DE                                                                     as Abdi İbrahim, they are
         FRANCE AND FRENCH BIOTECHNOLOGY                                                                     one of the biggest sup-
                                                                                                             porters of the localization
         COMPANY IPSEN COLLABORATED FOR                                                                      in medicine and that they
         A NEW TREATMENT AIMED AT THE COM-                                                                   act with this responsibil-
         PLETE DESTRUCTION OF TUMOR CELLS IN                                                                 ity in all of their ongoing
                                                                                                             investments as well as the
         PROSTATE CANCER.                                                                                    investments they have
                                                                                                             implemented. Stating
        The executive director   blocking it after binding.                                                  that they believe that
        of the project is Assoc.   This is a very new treat-                                                 localization is an extremely
        Prof. Umut Şahin, Faculty   ment concept. The andro-                                                 important driving force for
        Member of the Molecular   gen receptor is actually a                                                 Turkey to become a global
        Biology and Genetics    protein.  The life and cycle                                                 player in medicine, Süha
        Department of Boğaziçi   of the cell depends on                                                      Taşpolatoğlu emphasized
        University. The drug in   different proteins.  But all                                               that they are proud to be
        question will be the first   proteins have a lifetime,                                               the pioneer of this field
        treatment developed in   they are destroyed after a                                                  both in intellectual stage
        this concept in the treat-  while.  This new drug also   Janssen, a pharmaceuti-  innovative treatments in   and in practice and said:
        ment of prostate cancer   helps the cell turn to that   cal company of Johnson &   Turkey.  We are engaged
        in the world.           destruction mechanism.    Johnson, has joined forces   in initiatives that aim to   “Abdi İbrahim, which has
                                In other words, when the   with the Turkish pharma-  advance the government’s   been operating in the phar-
        Within the scope of the   drug binds to the andro-                                                   maceutical sector for 106
        ongoing project with the   gen receptor, it destroys   ceutical company Abdi   policies towards the health   years, has a determined
                                                                                    needs of the country’s
        partnership of Boğaziçi   the cell, and the prostate   İbrahim.  Within the scope                    stance to run ahead with its
        University, College de   cancer cells that depend   of the partnership between   people.  The collaboration   technologically equipped
        France and international   on it also die. What is   Abdi İbrahim and Janssen,   we established with Abdi   facilities, strong human re-
        biotechnology company   exciting here is that only   which has carried out about   İbrahim within the scope of   sources and investment in
        Ipsen, the cell with cancer   prostate cancer cells die,   40 million dollars of clinical   localization is a concrete   R&D but most importantly,
        is targeted to be destr-  the focus of the problem   research in our country in   step in this direction. We will   our vision of supporting
        cuted at all by applying a   is destroyed, and while   the last 10 years, it is aimed   continue to bring innovative   Turkey’s goal of becoming
        new treatment method in   doing so it does not harm   to increase domestic drug   treatments to Turkey by   an active player in medi-
        prostate cancer.  Provid-  other healthy cells”.   production capacity and   strengthening our existing   cine. Our target in 2020 is
        ing information about this                        competence.               collaborations. Thanks to   to grow further in the field
        treatment, which is a first   Stating that the drug to                      these new treatments, we   of production service with
        in the literature, Assoc.   be developed will be ef-  In the ceremony organized   aim to change the course   new collaborations and to
        Prof. Şahin stated that   fective on prostate cancer   for the signature of the   of serious diseases affect-  become the production
        prostate cancer ranks   cells that do not respond   partnership, the CEO    ing patients in Turkey.   base of international
        second after lung cancer   to current treatments,   of Janssen Emerging     “WE WILL INCREASE        companies in Turkey.  For
        in men worldwide, and   Şahin stated that the drug   Markets, Luis Diaz Rubio,                       this purpose, we constantly
        that it can be treated with   will be the first treatment   CEO of Janssen Turkey,   COMPETITIVENESS OF   strengthen our production
                                                                                    TURKEY IN THE GLOBAL
        surgery but it is resistant   developed in this concept   Maria Fernando Prado and                   infrastructure and offer
        to treatment at advanced   in the treatment of pros-  CEO Süha Taşpolatoğlu,   MARKET”               our standards that com-
        stages and is prone to   tate cancer in the world.   representing Abdi İbrahim,   In his speech at the cer-  pete with the world to the
        metastasis in early diag-  Stating that the preclinical   participated.     emony, Janssen Turkey    service of the companies
        nosis.                                                                                               we cooperate with. We
                                studies of the drug are   Speaking at the ceremony,   General Manager Maria   work with the target of
        Therefore, expressing   carried out with animal   Janssen General Manager   Fernanda Prado said      being the best option for
        that there is an important   experiments and they   of Emerging Markets, Luis   the following regarding   all our customers with our
        need for targeted therapy   are as productive as the   Diaz Rubio, said that Turkey   localization policies in   production environments
        in prostate cancer, Umut   second generation drugs   is an important country   Turkey: “We took action to   designed specifically for
        Şahin said that they are   in the market, Umut Şahin   in the region with its   improve Turkey’s domestic   the needs. The production
        developing a new treat-  informed “In the most op-  breakthroughs especially   drug production capacity   agreement we have with
        ment that will be a first in   timistic case, the drug will   in the last 10 years and the   and competence and to   Janssen today for added
        the literature in this field   be available to humans   treatments it provided.   increase its competitive-  value drugs is a natural
        and continued:          when all phase studies    Rubio said: “We are one of   ness in the global market.
                                are completed within 3-5   the companies that invest   In our localization focus, our   result of this effort and is
        “We now plan to use a   years.                    the most in R&D. We spend   innovative drugs that will   therefore extremely impor-
        new treatment method in                           more than 20 percent of   increase the international   tant to us.  We consider this
        prostate cancer, which we   As one of the scientists   our global annual income   competitiveness of Turkey   agreement, which we have
        have used and obtained   who have been deemed     on R&D investments.  With   in the treatment of cancer   signed, as the first step of
        successful results before   worthy of research sup-  our strategy of reaching   and rare diseases will be   our long-term collabora-
        in two different types of   port from Turkey within   the needy of innovative   included.  I hope this new   tion, and we hope to further
        leukemia. We developed   the scope of the Gilead                            action we have taken will   develop this collaboration
        a different drug that   Sciences Turkey program   medicines, as Johnson &   bring success”.          in the coming period. In
        works based on the same   that has been operating   Johnson’s pharmaceutical                         the coming period, we will
        treatment method. The   in the field of biotechnol-  company Janssen, we have   “WE TARGET TO BE     continue to develop similar
        goal of our targeted drug   ogy since 2013, Assoc.   put 16 new molecules into   AN ACTIVE PLAYER IN   collaborations with the
        is to bind to the androgen   Prof. Umut Şahin has also   the service of medicine   DOMESTIC DRUGS”   mission of being the driving
        receptor and completely   received the “The Ideas   since 2009. We maintain                          force in Turkey’s growth
        destroy it, rather than   put into Practice” award.  our trust and loyalty to   Speaking at the ceremony,   targets.
                                                          the country with our 20   CEO of Abdi İbrahim Süha
                                                          years of investments and   Taşpolatoğlu stated that,
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